Thursday, February 13, 2020

Three on Thursday

It's Thursday so you know what that means...

Three things I want to learn this year.

Helix hat, photo courtesy of salmonknits

1.  Helix knitting or helical stripes.  My understanding is that "helix" is one single color stripe and helical is two or more colors.  Admittedly, I haven't done a lot of research so I could have that wrong.  But basically, it's a way of doing jogless stripes.  What ever it's called, that's what I want to learn.

2 color brioche photo from
photo courtesy of

2.  Brioche.  I know.  I think I may be the last person on the planet to learn this technique.  Everyone and their brother seems to know how to do it.  It's about time I learned.

entrelac looks woven.  photo from
Entrelac, photo courtesy of

3. This is a tough choice.  If this was a random Friday or even a Tuesday, I'd have no problem, but being a Thursday, I must narrow it down and well...  I want to learn to knit with two colors in one hand (I currently hold one yarn in each hand when doing colorwork) and I also want to learn to knit backwards.  What I really want is to do some entrelac knitting but I don't want to have to keep flipping my needles around.  Thus, my desire to knit backwards.  Knitting backwards may win out over knitting with two colors in one hand.  Although.... the two colors in one hand thing sounds like it would be easier to learn and much quicker to master.  And you know I'm all about easy these days.  Decisions, decisions!

Join me over at Carole's for today's Three on Thursday link up.


  1. These are all good things to learn! I really love brioche knitting, and the basic stitch is really easy. I'd recommend doing a cowl or something else without shaping in two colors. For me, it was easier to see what was happening when one color was the "knit" color and the other was the "purl" color.

  2. Those are three things I've tried and failed at. There's just a little too much brain work in them for me. The results are beautiful though.

  3. I've done entrelac and learned to knit backwards to do it and it was fun and not hard at all. I struggle with two colors in one hand because I'm a thrower, I think it works best if you knit continental. Brioche is something I also want to learn.

  4. Those are three very cool techniques! I've knit single color brioche, and would love to learn two-color, too!

  5. I'll be curious to hear if you find any of them easier than you'd expected! I'm showing my knitting basics here, but I'll just go ahead and make myself vulnerable and say that I put off leaning how to cable for YEARS because it intimidated me. Then I learned, and well, obviously...cables are not hard. I should read up on brioche! So fancy :)

  6. P.S. I love your subtitle for this post--three things I want to learn this year. That gets my wheels turning in such a good way!

  7. I want to learn all these things too! I think one of the early MDK Field Guides has helical stripes in it...I'm going to check when I get home.

  8. I have done helical stripes and I love the results. I also knit with two colors in my left hand. I think it's easier if you are a continental knitter rather than a "thrower". Brioche intrigues me but not enought to put in the work right now. I'll enjoy seeing your progress on these goals.

  9. I do teo colors one hand, would be happy to have someone video my mash up of throwing English style!

  10. Backwards is super easy to learn--it's just about your brain. Two colors in one hand is more about coordination! That's my 2 cents! Have fun, it's all good.

  11. I've heard of helical knitting but I didn't know what it was. I can do jogless stripes so perhaps I can do it already, or perhaps it's something different to what I do, I don't know. I've never given brioche or entrelac a go though.

  12. Goodness, that's quite the list. I can't do brioche either, I have done a little bit, but I never really got the hang of it. I can do jogless stripes, but I think helical knitting is something else. And color work and all that comes with that... I like it, but it's too complicated for me right now.
    Wishing you luck learning all these new things.

  13. Looks like you have your learning cut out for you. There is a Helix hat (free pattern) on Ravelry that uses scraps. It sure is fun to knit.
