Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day!

Instead of knitting all those little hearts to hang on a miniature Christmas tree that I was planning to knit....

garter stitch dish cloth knit with Dishie yarn from Knit Picks
Celebrating Valentine's with a new dish cloth

I knit a dish cloth.  

Much, much easier.  And quicker.

I used Knit Pick's Dishie cotton and was pleasantly surprised by it.  I've never liked knitting with cotton but this stuff was great to knit with.  Soft and not at all hard on my hands.  I just may be knitting a lot more dish clothes in the future.

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. I recently tried Dishie too and really liked it.

  2. I bought a big bag of Dishie after trying it out. It's really much better than big box store kitchen cotton!

  3. Very festive! (but those hearts are awfully cute . . . maybe someday)
    Happy Valentine's Day.

  4. Thanks for recommending of Dishie - I will check it out!

  5. Happy Valentine's day! Love the cloth :)

  6. OK, I'm going to have to try Dishie because the regular cotton hurts my hands and I am in need of dish cloths! Love the color of yours.

  7. Dishie is great and Hobby Lobby's "I Love This Cotton" has very much the same feel to it. I don't like the regular cotton either.
    Thank you for your comment on my blog yesterday. I'm definitely going to try your tricks for spasms. Wishing you a wonderful Valentine's Day.

  8. Jeannie, I love a dish cloth!!!!!!!! Great change up

  9. I will have to look into that yarn. I love hand knit dishcloths, but hate the usual cotton yarns used to knit them.

  10. Ditto the Dishie recommendation - thank you! (and what a cheerful addition to your kitchen) - Happy (belated) Valentines Day!

  11. Thank you for the review of Dishie. I use KnitPicks Cotlin to knit washcloths but it is a little on the lightweight side. I've wondered about Dishie so maybe I'll give it a try now.
