Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Dunkin' Donuts, my new best friend

It’s been a while.  The move took much longer than expected.  Moving day ended up being a full week later than we’d originally planned.  Good thing because we were not at all ready on the first date.  The date change did make things interesting though because I’d packed all our dishes and all but one pair of socks and underwear.  It also meant that when we finally landed, I didn’t remember which box I’d put the important, “I need this in my daily life” type of things in.

The move itself went fine.  We gave away or donated about 80% of our belongs then rented a giant 28 foot U-haul and hired two dudes to help (okay, do) the lifting and carrying.  The two dudes were both about eight feet tall, adorable, and incredibly polite, patient, strong and energetic.  I sure hope their boss appreciates them half as much as we did.

The after-effects of the move, on the other hand…. 

messy move
What a mess!

That black and white blotchy thing in the lower left is my bed.  I really thought I was going to have to sleep outside that first night.  At one point, the entire room, including the bed was wall to wall boxes and shelves.  The problem was the shelves were in the center of the room so I had to keep shuffling things around and around and around to make space to put a shelf where it belonged so that I could unpack a box.  I finally made a narrow path from the door to the bed and got the piles of stuff off the bed so I could lay down.  Can’t say I slept that first night though.  Between the back ache from all the toting and moving boxes around and the massive leg ache from the 1,000 trips up and down the stairs….  and my legs were already sore and achy from the 1,000 trips up and down the stairs I’d taken throughout the previous days/weeks…  Basically, that first night I lay in bed moaning from the twitching, muscle cramping, Charlie horse having legs.

And then I did it all over again the next day. 

Day three was a little less toting things up and down the stairs and a little more organizing and grocery shopping.  We are slowly getting settled.  Very, very slowly.  It has definitely been an adventure.  In case I didn’t mention it before, we moved in with my mother-in-law who has dementia and needs some help.  For every three things we put away, she’d un-put two.  As frustrating as it’s been, I feel horrible because I know it’s been hard on her too.  Our presence has confused her even more and she doesn’t even realize she’s in her own house most of the time.  It’s pretty sad to see and as much as I’ve griped about making the move, I’m happy we will have the time with her.  We are definitely making some memories! Some funny, some frustrating, and some rather sad memories, but memories all the same.

The Martha Shawl is getting low on yarn.

As you might have guessed, there hasn’t been much knitting time.  I haven’t had the mental bandwidth to do any fancy knitting.  Thankfully my Martha Shawl is still on the needles because I haven’t even had the brain power to finish the baby sweater sleeve.  Oh yeah, I started a new baby sweater a few days before the big move.  I need to dig it out and take a few pictures.  One of these days….

Dunkin Donuts Rt. 60, Bottoms Bridge, VA
Thankful for Dunkin' Donuts'  wifi!

There is a lot I need to do one of these days.  Including getting internet.  We still don’t have any internet service  here and it’s making me very, very twitchy.  And I’m going to get very, very fat because the closest place with free wifi is a Dunkin' Donuts.  Can you smell the sugar wafting off this post?

Until my next trip to Dunkin', happy knitting!


  1. Oh, what a frustrating and difficult time you must be having. If possible I'd move the wifi up on the priority list so that at least you can connect to us in the outside world who support you!

    1. We finally found a way to get the internet here in this Very rural area. We can't stream, but I can at least check my email and publish a blog post as of this morning. I'll take my wins where I can get them. :)

  2. How wonderful that you are there for you MIL. Dementia is such an evil disease.

    1. As frustrating as it is, I'm so glad we will have this time with her. We are definitely making some memories. :)

  3. Oh goodness, moving can be so stressful! I find that no matter how well you plan everything in advance, there's always something that messes things up.
    I'm admiring the way you handle your mother-in-law though, so kind and understanding! That's way more important than organizing your stuff.
    Wishing you strength (and patience) while sorting the mess!

    1. LOL If you only knew how impatient I am. I am SO not a good caregiver. But, she's family and she definitely needs help. It's going to be an interesting adventure. But sarcasm aside, I am glad we'll have this time with her.

  4. It all sounds very frustrating and exhausting, but the end is in sight! I hope things get normalized quickly and that some of that stress goes away. In the meantime, I think there are probably worse places to be for Internet than Dunkin!

    1. Thanks! Our Dunkin is in a very rural area and during the day the place is dead so I don't have to feel bad hanging out there for hours. We finally got internet here at the house last night but we still can't stream. At least we can check email and blog here at the house. I'm slightly less twitchy now. :)

  5. Moving is so challenging! I hope you're sorted and comfortable in your new home soon. (Sending good juju your way.) XO

  6. I'd say you're handling all the challenges remarkably well - and still having a sense of humor is excellent!

    1. Thanks! I admit, I've already had a few temper tantrums, but for the most part, I have to laugh at the situation and the happenings. Thank goodness I can laugh at myself and have always been able to laugh at others. Or as my dad used to say, "I'm laughing with you, not at you."

  7. Oh wow! Dementia is an awful thing to watch. I'm glad you and your husband are there for your MIL...and I'm glad you have such a good sense of humor. Wishing you patience, strength and WIFI!

    1. Thank you! We finally got a little internet this morning. We can't stream but we can check email, blog and most importantly, download Ravelry patterns.

  8. I will pray for your waistline!! Glad the move is done, here's to getting the stuff put away.

    1. Thanks! I need all the help I can get! (And I haven't forgotten you, I just haven't found the camera yet.)

  9. Bless you for moving in with your MIL and taking the time and energy to care for her. I know it won't be easy, I am sending you positive mojo for the bad days, patience and of course a little humor for when you need it.
