Friday, November 8, 2019

Yarn Therapy

Thank you all for the kind, encouraging words on yesterday's post.  I was in a rather dark place yesterday.  Thankfully I was able to attend last night's knitting group gathering which always helps.  Getting a couple of hours of sleep also helped.

Bamboo Pop Sock yarn purchased from Center of the Yarniverse
Bamboo Pop Sock

A little yarn therapy helped too.  It's a good thing we'll close on the sale of our house and be debt free next week because I keep spending all our money on yarn. But hey, yarn is cheaper than the mental institute and that skein is ready to knit.  No winding needed.  And, I have the Reyna pattern already printed.  I'm feeling a lot better today.

Knitting group was quite productive.  Besides making me feel better and helping me de-stress, I was able to finish the Martha Shawl.  

Knit an i-cord bind-off on my Martha Shawl
I-cord bind-off

I still have quite a bit of the Sunset (the pink & yellow) from Dying for Art but I ran out of the Carbon from Knitted Wit.  Since there was so much Sunset left, I thought about knitting some kind of lacy border but ... dark place.  I took the easy way out and knit an i-cord bind-off instead.  

Garter stitch shawl knit with Knitted Wit and Dying for Art yarns
Martha Shawl

The shawl isn't quite as long as I'd hoped it would be, but then, I haven't blocked it yet.  Garter does stretch a lot when blocked.  It may even be too long after blocking!

Triangular garter stitch shawl knit with Dying for Art and Knitted Witt yarns
Completed Martha Shawl

I really love the way it looks with a shawl cuff, although I definitely need to buy myself a black cuff.  The brown leather one isn't really cutting it.


  1. I'm so glad you're having a better day and I love that it's because of sleep and yarn and knitting!

    1. Thanks, and me too! It really is amazing the calming qualities of good yarn.

  2. I, too, am glad to hear that you're feeling better. Taking care of someone with dementia can be really exhausting, so make sure you're taking care of yourself, too!

    I LOVE the shawl! Those two colors together are fabulous.

    1. Thank you. I really love the way the two yarns played together. And yes, the airlines know what they are talking about when they tell you to put on your own air mask first, before helping others.

  3. That yarn would make me happy too! I love the shawl. It's really fun!

    1. Thanks! The shawl should help brighten up the dreary winter days.

  4. Glad you are feeling better and were able to get to a therapy session! Your LYS looks to be a lovely place. Your newest yarn is gorgeous - that will make a very pretty Reyna. Your Martha Shawl is going to look so good with EVERYTHING!! Congratulations on a nice finish.

  5. Replies
    1. Hey, it was all your doing. All I did was knit the yarn. You made the yarn!

  6. beautiful!! I think yarn therapy is the best therapy there is, besides knitting therapy. Glad you feel a bit better.

  7. It's gorgeous! And the yarn too. Glad you got to have knit and you time!

  8. It is gorgeous! And I always say yarn is a lot cheaper and far more therapeutic than therapy. Buy all you want!
