Tuesday, November 26, 2019


A giant Thank You to all who responded to my stash issues/yarn diet post the other day.  I wanted to to reply to each of you individually but once again, life got in the way.  Our oil furnace went beserk, the house filled with noxious, throat burning fumes, we had to evacuate and the fire department had to come to our rescue.  We made it out safely, the furnace is our secondary heat source so we're still warm, the house didn't burn to the ground and everything is okay.  But it did set the tone for the day and in reality, it was sort of the highlight of the day.

Charles City Fire and Rescue

I'm just glad we were here because my MIL had no idea anything was wrong.  It could have been an unimaginably horrible situation.  The firemen were fantastic and we very much appreciated their help and friendliness even though Grandma failed at her attempt to get one of them to propose to my daughter.  Grandma has decided Sarah needs to find herself a man.

Thank you, Charles City Fire and Rescue!

Thankfully the day's events wore out Grandma, she went to bed early, and I was able to hide out in my attic yarn stash closet and finish the Newborn Vertebrae.

Finished Newborn Vertebrae Cardigan

I even blocked it!

My apologies if this entire post is blurry or the colors are off.  I'm sitting in a Dunkin Donuts using the internet and being blinded by the sun streaming in through the window.   

.... And I just realized I'm still wearing my sunglasses, not my reading glasses.  No wonder I'm having so much trouble.  

I swear!  Dementia is contagious! 


  1. That's a really scary situation and I'm so glad you're all okay! Also, the sweater turned out impossibly cute!

  2. Oh, my! That is not quite the adventure you want to have happen. I'm glad you're safe - and warm - now. Here's to smooth sailing from now on! XO
    (And that is such a sweet little sweater.)

  3. Thank goodness you were there and no one was hurt - I can't help but think how different the outcome could have been.

  4. Oh my goodness, what an awful situation to find yourself in. I'm glad that everyone's safe. We're so lucky to have a fire service to call on at these times, I'm full of admiration for those who do that job. The Newborn Vertebrae is so cute, I love knitting baby garments.

    1. Thanks! I'd never had to deal with the fire department before but they were great. I can't imagine the things they have to face through their job.

  5. So glad that worked out okay for all of you!
    The "Sarah needs to find herself a man" story made me smile. She means so well...
    That baby sweater is really cute!

    1. Thanks! Grandma and I are both trying to get her married off. Not sure about Grandma's motivation but if I can get someone else to pay for Sarah's schooling.... :)

  6. Oh my! Thank goodness you were there. Thank goodness the fire company responded quickly. YIKES! What a scary situation. I do love that little cardigan so much.

    1. Thanks! The firemen were great! So nice and helpful.

  7. Oh my! So glad to know everyone is good. Just breathe and relax and repeat after me, yarn is life, life is yarn!!

    1. And me on a yarn diet! Yikes! :) I am knitting at every possible moment though. Thank you.

  8. Oh, my....what an adventure! And yes, I do believe dementia is contagious. I haven't been right since I had the caretaker job for my dad. I find myself acting just like he did on his worst days. I've yet to dump 5 pounds of sugar on the counter just because I felt like it but who knows what tomorrow will bring? Lol....

    1. LOL Thank you for that. LOL I swear, some days I think I should carry myself straight to the doctor... but then I get side-tracked and forget. :)

  9. so glad you were there when it happened and the little sweater is PERFECTION!!!

  10. I can't help but think that now that you have SO MANY things to blog about, you have no time ... and yet you still have an adorable baby sweater. finished! (also, I completely get the sunglasses thing - mine are prescription, so I can read and drive and I wear them indoors all the time because I can read!)

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  12. Whew - that sounds like more excitement than you need right now. So glad all is well.
