Thursday, June 13, 2019

Three on Thursday - A garden update

The weeds are growing.

Will these weeds grow pretty blooms?

The lavender, not so much.

My lavender plant refuses to grow.

The garden shop guy said I should plant lavender to deter the mosquitoes.  Apparently planting it isn't enough.  Apparently, it needs to grow and thrive in order to deter the mosquitoes.

Apparently half dead, not thriving at all lavender will attract carpenter bees.  Or perhaps it's our wooden porch posts they like.

Joinging Carole and friends for Three on Thursday.


  1. I never had any luck with lavender. On the boardwalk Saturday I walked past a house that had a whole bed of it out front. It was so pretty and smelled like heaven. I was seriously jealous. I am still thinking about it.

  2. Katie (my daughter) has a HEDGE of lavender growing along the front border of her house. It looks and smells amazing and does attract bees. I don't think they're carpenter bees though (her house is brick) ... sending GROW vibes your way :-)

  3. I have a hard time getting lavender to thrive. I can usually grow it for one season, but then . . . it doesn't come back very well. And carpenter bees? They are drawn by wood (for their nesting) . . . but still gather nectar. (Too bad lavender doesn't grow as easily and quickly as the weeds. . . )

  4. I have not had luck with lavender either. And those pesky carpenter bees - we've had some, but my brother-in-law and his wife are overrun with them in Suffolk, VA.

  5. Lavender can be tricky. I had a lot of it in Holland, but when I planted them, some would die, other would thrive. I never found out what the difference was.

  6. Add me to the list of people who have trouble growing lavender. I have a friend that has beautiful plants, and she says that lavender needs poor soil and hot and dry conditions. Most of her plants are in rocky areas that she hasn't amended or fertilized, and she forgets to water them. Clearly your beds are too nice for lavender!

  7. Oh yes - the weeds are growing with all our rain. And the mosquitoes are thriving too. I have an herb garden next to a small patio. Lavender won't grow in other places in my yard but I do have a plant in the herb bed that thrives. I think it gets good sun and warmth but is protected from the wind.

  8. I bought lavender one summer and carefully watered it. It died. Bought some more and watered it even more. I don't know if it was the third or fourth batch that I decided...'maybe I'm watering it too much'. Yep, finally got it to take.

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