Monday, June 24, 2019

52 Weeks

Today's 52 Weeks Blog Challenge topic is favorite snacks.  This could be a long list.

First, I should probably say that I consider a snack to be junk food.  A healthy snack is simply a meal.  A snack should also be something you can quickly grab and go.  There should be no 'fixing' involved.

So, here goes and in no particular order...

Peppermint Patties,

Lightly salted peanuts,

photo courtesy of


Store brand potato chips (they tend to be saltier) with store brand Ranch dip (except, I can't eat potatoes anymore.  I still look longingly at them in the grocery store though.)

Ritz crackers with peanut butter,

Ice cream - just about any flavor except vanilla or orange and it must not have nuts in it, except for that chocolate one from Food Lion that has chocolate covered peanuts and chunks of brownie in it,

photo courtesy of

Peanut M&M's,

And last and probably most weird, American cheese with peanut butter smeared on it.

I'm sure there are other snack foods that I love, but those are what come immediately to mind.  Is there any wonder I have a weight problem??


  1. My mouth is watering on all of these, though I can't eat most of them. And yes, I think storebrand potatochips are saltier (and thus tastier) too.
    Hmn, now I'm hungry at 8.30 in the morning (and I did have breakfast)...

  2. OMG.....I thought Daddio was the only one who put peanut butter on his cheese! We used to bring him peanut butter and cheese sandwiches when he was in the nursing home. In fact, it was his last meal.
    I'm on a Mike and Ike kick myself.

  3. :-) My favorite snack . . . is super sharp cheese with a glass of red wine! ;-)
