Tuesday, February 26, 2019

52 Weeks - Travel

This week's 52 Week Blog Challenge topic is the top five places I'd like to visit.  This was actually a hard post to write because I want to go everywhere!  Well, everywhere except the very few places I don't want to go.  But in broad strokes, I'd like to go to:

photo courtesy of wallpapercave.com

My maternal side of the family hales from Ireland and I would love to go for a visit.  It doesn't hurt that they have sheep.  And castles.  And did I mention the sheep?

photo courtesy of halatrip.com

And before they migrated to Ireland, they lived in Scotland.  Scotland, also known for sheep.  And if I happened to run into Jamie, all the better.

Mykonos, Greece

And ever since I first watched The Bourne Identity, I've wanted to visit Mykonos, Greece.  Or more specifically, that little shop Marie is running at the very end of the movie.

photo courtesy of pintrest.com

And I would love to stroll along the streets of Tuscany.

photo courtesy of wanderlust.co.uk

But most of all, I'd like to sail the world, stopping off at any and every place that strikes my fancy.

What about you?  Do you have the travel bug?  Where would you like to go?


  1. I'd like to go with YOU!!! All those places look wonderful.

  2. Even though I've seen a lot already, I still have a long list.
    I'd like to visit the US (all of it, so that's a long list by itself), the other Caribean islands, I'd love to go back to Rome (and the rest of Italy and if I'd have to return to live in Europe I would be found in Britain (been there a couple of times, esp. love the South) or Ireland (never been there, but yes, sheep and castles - and fairy tales!) a lot.

  3. No strong urges for me, but I'd love to tag along with you. When do we leave???

  4. I have the 3 A's and I've already hit one, Austria. The others are Alaska and Australia. But, Ireland, England, the Fjords, and back to Italy are also my goals.
