Friday, February 15, 2019

28 Days of Joy

What do I obsess over almost as much as yarn?

Pens.  Pens bring me joy.  And that's not even half of my pen collection.  That's only the pens that live on the top of my desk.  We won't talk about the drawers and boxes full of pens.  I may actually have more pens than yarn!  

I think I might have a pen problem.


  1. I share that affliction I am sad to say. I can't pass the pen section of any store without bringing one home. Don't ask me about the ones from Amazon. Those Japanese pens are a slippery slope.

    1. I did too until I left my calendar/notebook/life guide in the car while I ran into a store during the summer. The car got hot and the ink disappeared. I knew it could happen because my daughter had lost all her test notes that way once but.... Some time spent in the freezer brought back most of the ink but....

  2. Oh, pens. . .
    (I had to set up a special shelf in my "art room" for all my markers and pens.)

    1. LOL, I have a whole drawer full of art markers, most of them the expensive kind, and I can't even draw a recognizable stick figure! Aack!

  3. You're not alone! Even though I use the same pens over and over, I have a hard time not buying pens wherever I see them...

  4. There are so many choices these days...colors, ink type, etc. Who can resist? Not moi!

  5. I can't go in the pen/pencil aisles in stores. I would clear the shelves if I could!!! I like click pens, the fancier the better!

  6. Then I have a pen problem, too! They are just so much fun to play with.
    At school I use gel pens -- and I don't share them with the students!

  7. I love pens, pencils, notebooks and anything else I can get my fingers on for drawing or writing. So we have a problem together :)
