Thursday, December 3, 2020

Three on Thursday - A small haul

 Yarn shops are so dangerous!  For today's Three on Thursday, I thought I'd share a recent shopping trip.

I ran into my LYS, Center of the Yarniverse, right before Thanksgiving to pick up a copy of Painterly.  Have you seen Painterly?  Are you into Mason Dixon/Modern Daily Knitting's field guides?  (Sorry - I'll never get used to the new name. I have a hard enough time remembering names and if they suddenly wanted me to call them something different, they should have used different initials.)

Anyway...  If you are a Kaffe Fassett fan, you MUST get a copy of Painterly.  I thought their previous Fassett field guide - what was it?  #13??? - was awesome but Painterly is just.... Oh My Goodness!  If you haven't already bought a copy for yourself, you should definitely include it in your letter to Santa!

But because I'm utterly incapable of walking into the yarn store and buying only what I went in for, I also picked up a new knitting bag.  My friend Betsy from Love Ewe Farm makes them and sells them out of the yarn shop.  Sadly, I don't see them listed for sale on either Betsy's or Yarniverse's website but if you are interested, I'm sure you could contact either place to purchase one. 

There are two versions of the bag.  One has the painted sheep on the turquoise background pictured above and the other is a real photo of two of Betsy's sheep.  I had THE hardest time deciding between the two.  The turquoise background finally won out.

And wouldn't you know, while I was wandering around the shop trying to decide between the two knitting bags, this skein of yarn jumped into my arms.  Frankly, I think I did pretty good to only buy one skein.  It's named Charred Marshmallow and the photo does nothing for it.  The yarn is so much warmer and rustier brown, and well, exactly charred marshmallow color, in real life.  And if the colorway and the name Charred Marshmallow wasn't enough to convince me to buy it, the yarn base is called Sugarcookies Sock.  How on earth could I resist that?

While I'm feeling a little guilty for breaking my 'no more yarn purchases this year' rule, I'm glad I broke it.  The thought of getting to knit with this yarn is keeping me motivated to finish my Christmas gift knitting.

And while I realize that's three things, I have to throw in a fourth.  I just love my LYS.  They always tuck a little something extra into your bag.  It may be a stitch marker, a pin, a tiny bar of soap that looks like a cookie, or a knitting related sticker... You never know and it's always fun to get home and discover it.  This time, it was a tea bag.  A tea bag from Stash Tea.  

How did my LYS know I was trying to drink more tea and less coffee?  I don't know, but I do know the Spice Dragon Red Chai was so good I immediately went online and ordered a box of practically every kind of tea Stash Tea offers.  

Good grief that was an expensive $14.95 Field Guide #16!


  1. I love Kim's yarn! I always pick some up at the SVFF. She is a lovely lady. She always lets me talk her ear off. Her fiber is a dream to spin also.
    I've been collecting Kaffe Fasset material. One day I will be inspired to do something with it. It just looks too pretty on my shelf to use. I should treat myself to some more for Christmas, right?

  2. If buying a skein of (lovely) yarn is good motivation for finishing up your gift knitting, then I think it was an excellent purchase!

  3. Cute bag and great yarn. I LOVE Stash tea. Their ginger tea is really good - actually ALL of them are!

  4. Such gorgeous yarn. I don't have a LYS, I have to wait for yarn shows to do my shopping in person, though perhaps it's a good thing really looking at your haul, I don't think I'd be able to resist a regular shopping trip haha.

  5. Beautiful yarn! A new independent yarn shop was just added to our small town's Main Street. It's dangerous to go in there! :)

  6. I laughed through this post because it is exactly what happens to me if I go into a yarn store. Which I haven't been able to do forever. That bag is so cute and the yarn looks just like a charred marshmallow. Now I want a s'more!

  7. That yarn makes me all kinds of happy. I can't wait to see what you knit up.

  8. I can't resist making more bags even though I have enough bags to last a millennial!! And now you show me sheepy bags? Will. Resist!!!
