Thursday, October 22, 2020

Three on Thursday - Textured Socks

For today's Three on Thursday, I'm continuing with the sock theme.  I hope you aren't sick of socks yet.  Today, it's textured sock patterns.

Wohin from Caoua Coffee.  I like the way the pattern goes into stripes on the underside of the foot.  And I LOVE that green and blue striped yarn!  I also love that this is another free pattern.

Morning Coffee Socks from Crazy Sock Lady Designs.  This design is very simple and there's a small fee for the pattern but I think they look great with multicolored yarn.  I have a thing for multicolored sock yarn but it never looks good in anything other than stockinette.  But I like this multicolored ribbing.  Of course, solid colored yarns could be used as well.

Swirlagon by Kristen Hall.  Okay, so I'd never actually go to the trouble to knit these but I think they are very pretty and some of you may not be quite so lazy as me when it comes to sock knitting.  Whether you plan to knit these or not, you should take a look at the pattern page on Ravelry.  The pair in the photo are knit in a single, solid color, obviously.  But take a look at the ones that weren't.  The socks are made up of what I think are individual hexagons.  The color combinations could be endless!

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends on social media. Until next time, Happy Knitting!


  1. Those last socks break my brain a bit, in a good way!

  2. Those are some great sock patterns - they'd be perfect for hanging around the house!

  3. I NEVER get tired of reading about socks.

    I can't imagine those Swirlagon socks on my needles, but they sure are pretty ESPECIALLY in the multi-colors.

  4. The Swirlagon socks are awesome! I love them in multi-colors, but I think my brain would be fried trying to make them!

  5. You'll never bore us sock knitters with socks! Keep them coming. Love them all but that last pattern, Swirlagon makes my brain hurt. :-)

  6. I love those first ones. They remind me of a pair of mittens Daughter asked me to make her once that I am pretty sure I never made.

  7. Socks never bore :-) I love those patterns, but think I might feel the same as you when it comes to knitting the last one...

  8. Fun to see what kind of socks other people knit.

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