Thursday, October 8, 2020

Cabled Socks

 I'm still celebrating Socktober over here and thought I'd share a few cabled sock designs for today's Three on Thursday.

Lemino Socks.  A free Ravelry pattern from Sarah Jordan.  I like how in some of the examples shown on the pattern page show the cabling only going across the front of the leg.  That would make these socks knit up much quicker.  I'm all about quick socks at the moment.

Woodland Walk from This Handmade Life aren't exactly what I think of when I think cables but I like the design.  Once again, I also like that the cabling is not all the way around the sock.  And, I simply like their name.  We've found some heavily wooded property that we are thinking about buying for our next house and I'm currently obsessed with the idea of living in a woodland cabin type home.  These socks would be perfect for when I don't go for a walk because I'm afraid of the critters that might be lurking in the woods.  ๐Ÿ˜

Or what about Socks of Kindness from Chawne.  I can't decide if it's the green color, the orange, or the design but for some reason, these look Halloweenish to me.  I think it's the combination of the green and orange.  I don't know.  It doesn't even matter.  I do love that shade of green though and while this cable pattern does go all the way around the sock, I see no reason why I couldn't just knit it on the fronts of the legs.  Or perhaps all the way around, but knit the foot in plain stockinette to speed up the knitting process a little.

I hope you enjoy these patterns.  They are all free on Ravelry.  


  1. Hey, that's my pattern -- Lemino Socks! I'm glad you like them!

  2. Nice! I love the look of a fancy sock but I am just too lazy to put any effort into them.

  3. What great socks! I especially like Sarah's . . .

  4. Those are all beautiful socks. Thanks for the links. I'm definitely going to save them in my library for the future...when I'm not knitting four sweaters for Piper!

  5. On the Lemino socks is that yarn Age of Brass and Steam colorway? All three socks look entertaining, but I also like your suggestions for speeding things up. I seem to lose interest if a pattern slows me down too much. Also lose interest if it is too boring. Like Momma Bear it has to be 'just right'. lol

  6. I am making socks for the kids for Christmas and I hope I achieve my goal of four pairs...time will tell.
