Thursday, September 5, 2019

Off the Needles

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Today's Three on Thursday is a showcase (Showcase?? That sounds so fancy!) of three shawls I've finished recently.  And please excuse the lighting in the photos.  We've got weird, pre-hurricane light happening and my camera is not appreciating it.
Reyna knit from Hawthorne, The Pearl

First, Reyna.  Okay, so maybe Reyna isn't exactly a "recent" finish, but still...  Here she is, finished and no longer spread out on the blocking mats.  This one just may be my absolute favorite thing I've ever knit.  I can see myself wearing this almost every day.  It's light and airy yet surprisingly warm and I'm head over heels in love with the casual blues and taupe color mix.  Green is normally my go-to color but this Reyna is the new love of my life.

A knit scarf or shawl knit with Sublime Eden wool and cotton blended yarn.
Hitchhiker knit from Sublime Eden

And an even less 'recent' finish.... Another Hitchhiker.  This one was knit with Sublime, a wool/cotton mix that I picked up at my LYS, Center of the Yarniverse.  I usually dislike knitting with cotton but I had no problems with this yarn and I wouldn't hesitate to knit something else with it.
Out of Winter knit with Sock Lab Stroll

And, Out of Winter.  This shawl was knit with Knit Picks' Sock Lab speckled Stroll which is apparently completely sold out now.  It was lovely to knit with and I really wish I'd bought every color set they offered.  

I do have one question about the yarn though.  Is the top of the shawl more speckled because it's made up of shorter rows or was one end of the skein much more speckled than the other?  Since there's such a definitive line, I'm leaning towards the skein being unevenly speckled.  Have you ever experienced this before?

closeup photo of the lace border on the Out of Winter shawl.
Out of Winter detail
I wasn't too happy with the lace border at first but I quickly learned to love it.  There's a 'knit four stitches together' row and I was using extremely blunt tipped needles and found it nearly impossible.  But, I quickly realized I could use a smaller, much pointier dpn to knit the four together then transfer the stitch to the blunt needle and all was well.  If you're looking for a quick, mostly mindless, two-color shawl pattern and you have pointy needles, I highly recommend giving this one a go.

Join me over at Carole's for today's Three on Thursday link up.  Hopefully, assuming Hurricane Dorian doesn't blow us away, I'll be back here tomorrow to show you an even more recently finished project.


  1. Congrats!!! What great finishes just in time for some cool weather-I hope. It's still hot as blazes here. I agree with you on the first shawl. It's a real beauty. Araignee

    1. Thanks! It looks like Dorian is going to blow some of our heat away thankfully. I am SO ready for fall!

  2. You've been busy! Lovely shawls, all. But I especially like the Reyna. I've had my eye on that design for a while now -- it loks fun to knit and easy to wear. Nicely done! :-)

    1. Thank you! You should definitely give Reyna a try. It's a super simple design and just when you get bored with the knitting, the design changes so it stays interesting. But the best part is the pattern has a graph paper area where you can check off your rows.

  3. They are all gorgeous! I, too, especially like the Reyna. I'm off to look at the pattern again...and then look at yarn...and I'm off to the NJ Sheep & Wool on Saturday! Woo-Hoo. (I also am still smitten with eclipse which I think you were knitting....)

    1. Ooh! I'm jealous! Pet some wool for me. I'll be at work on Saturday, not petting any sheep at all. :(

  4. All beautiful but yes, I agree with you about the Reyna, gorgeous. I think short rows can make a different pattern emerge in the yarn but in this case it definitely looks as though one part of the yarn is more speckled than the other. I don't think it spoils it though.

    1. Thanks! It just seems strange to me that the heavily speckled area stops so suddenly. I'm calling it a design element. :)

  5. That is a lovely shawl showcase! They're all so nice I can't even pick a favorite. I hope Dorian doesn't do any damage or dump too much rain on you.

    1. Thanks! I think we are being spared. If the weatherman is correct, we are about 20 miles past it's edge and we won't even see any rain at all. We do have a pretty good breeze happening though.

  6. Ok, that does it--you've inspired me to knit a hitchhiker!

  7. Love them all!! I can't even pick a fav. The speckle is def in the skein, not the short rows.

    1. That's what I thought. The speckles don't fade out, they just stopped, almost. I bought more of the yarn in other colors and can't wait to see if they do the same thing.

  8. I actually like the effect of the speckling being more concentrated at the top of the shawl -- and you know that if you'd tried to do that deliberately, it'd never turn out so well!

    1. I like it too. Or I did until about 2 seconds ago when I suddenly realized it looks like I have an orange dandruff problem. LOL

  9. Gah - I'm sorry I forgot about where you live when I left the comment on Sunday's post .... of course I can only hope the fact there IS a Sunday post means y'all are ok. Kudos on those finishes and for showing that "shawl knitting" can look way different depending on the pattern. and the yarn! Also - WOOT! for blocking!!

    1. :) No worries. We were fine here. We ended up being about 20 miles north west of the rain bands. We had clouds and heavy breeze and that was it. I sure feel bad for the Bahamas though. I can't even imagine!

  10. Oh my goodness such shawl loveliness everywhere you look. Amazing shawls each one is so beautiful.
