Friday, September 13, 2019

On the Needles

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While the Te Ara mitts sit in time out, I started something new.

dish cloth styled baby blanket knit with Knit Picks Sock Lab Stroll speckled yarn
on the needles
Isn't it fabulous how it matches my yarn bowl?  It's like they were made for each other!

I imagine you can guess what I'm knitting.

Yes, it's a dish cloth style blanket knit with the green set of Sock Labs Stroll from Knit Picks.   Eventually the 'solid' green will fade into the speckled but I have a long way to go before that happens.

Sadly the Sock Labs Stroll is sold out but... Have you seen the new Hawthorne Sock Lab yarns?  Needless to say I'm, once again, anxiously awaiting my UPS driver.


  1. What a gorgeous color!!!

  2. Replies
    1. It's basically an oversized dish cloth. I cast on 3 st. then k 2, yo, k across and repeat that over and over until it's wide enough then decrease instead of increasing. Very simple design.

  3. That's such a gorgeous colour, and it looks so squishy too.

    1. Thanks! The yarn is squishy and so soft. I'm kicking myself for not buying more while it was available.

  4. Playing catchup and wow - a lot can happen in a week! Good luck with your house sale ... and I LOVE the new shorter cut ... give your hair a few days to adjust ... I'm sure it will! meanwhile, isn't it wonderful to have knitting ... especially something easy that looks great (and is such a cool fun color)?!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks! I always have to have a mindless project on the needles for those moments (or sometimes days ha ha) when I'm incapable of concentrating. And it does help when the mindless project is knit with beautiful yarn. :)

  5. I love the blues in the bowl and the blanket. I am with you - it is good to have an automatic pilot project on the needles. Some days I'd rather just knit without too much thinking.

    1. I find if I'm sitting and not knitting, I'm eating so I try to keep an easy project close by for when I'm checking email or reading. It's also helps me relax when I get home from work at night.

  6. beautiful knit that is matchy matchy with your yarn bowl
