Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Madli's Shawl

I'm so proud of myself!

Way back in March I cast on Madli's Shawl.  It was supposed to have nupps but y'all know how I feel about them so I beaded it instead.  The pattern, from Knitted Lace of Estonia by Nancy Bush, had me knit the border, then 31 repeats of the center lace section, cut the yarn, cast on and knit the second border, then kitchner the second border to the body.

I set the goal of having it completed by October 1st which had me knitting several lace repeats per week.  That doesn't sound difficult but considering my summer work schedule....  At one point I was 12 repeats behind schedule, but I've been on a finishing kick lately and I knuckled down and got her done.  

I knit the last row of the second border late Thursday night.  Friday morning, my daughter went off to school and my husband announced he was heading out for a few hours.  Perfect!  I'd have some quiet alone-time to kitchner those 101 stitches.  

Kitchner 101 stitches, with a two yards long piece of yarn.

Two yards.  Yards, not feet.

Have you ever tried to sew with a thread two yards long?

Let me modify that.  Have you ever tried to kitchner 101 stitches with a woolly thread two yards long that wants to felt to itself, on a Friday 13th?

Let me just say it is a VERY good thing there were no young children in the house because there was some very ugly language flying.  But, despite never having kitchnered anything longer than a sock toe, the fact that the woolly 'thread' wanted to felt to itself,  and it was Friday 13th, I got it done.  My two pieces of fabric matched up perfectly and you can't tell which end is which.  

I was so  happy with my kitchnering job that I immediately wove in all the little loose ends, soaked and blocked it.  I blocked something on the same day I finished it!

I am SO stinking proud of myself!

(So, I might not be proud of the photos, but I'm definitely proud of the finished shawl.)


  1. Wow, that looks great! I can imagine the frustration while you were sewing it though.

    1. Thanks! The super long sewing thread was a bit of a nightmare but the kitchnering went much better than expected.

  2. You should be very proud of yourself -- it's simply gorgeous!

  3. you truly deserve to be proud, it is outstanding Congratulations!!

  4. Congrats!!!!! What a spectacular finish on a VERY challenging pattern.

    1. Thanks! I was a bit intimidated at first but row by row, it really wasn't difficult.

  5. WOW! Gorgeous!!! Congratulations and yes, you should be proud. I'll be proud of you too!

  6. OMG!!! It is gorgeous!!! You should be very proud of yourself. Now I must make one too!! I have had it in my sights for way too long, must consider it a challenge in 2020.

  7. Beads instead of nubs, what a good idea. It's beautiful.

  8. beautiful beautiful shawl! I don't like nupps either (a major yarn yardage eater...) and I love the idea of a bead instead.

  9. So, so beautiful and the color is exquisite. Well done!
