Thursday, April 2, 2020

Good Things

I feel like I've been doing a lot of whining lately so I thought for today's Three on Thursday, I'd mention three recent good things.

1.  My brother-in-law came over and hung out with my mother-in-law so that Sarah and I could go run errands together.  It was the first time since Christmas that Sarah and I had gotten to have mother/daughter day and the first time in thirteen days since I'd been in a public place.  It was quite an exciting and exhilarating day spent at Target and Walmart.  I will not mention how much money I spent on snack foods and fancy shampoos.  Worse comes to worse, our plan is to use some of the shampoo as hand soap.

2.  Baby time!  The new granddaughter and family have been in quarantine and I've only gotten to visit once before but... Mike and I picked up dinner and went for a visit the other night.  I got to hold Hayden the entire time we were there.  She was awake and squirmy part of the time and slept in my arms the rest.  My apologies for the crumbs I may have dropped in her freshly washed hair.  I wasn't about to put her down to eat though.

3.  I do not have seasonal allergies.

Join me for today's Three on Thursday link-up, stay healthy and knit on.


  1. You are lucky not to have allergies! Mine have been really bad, probably because we had such a mild winter, but I'll take allergies over something worse any day.

    Isn't it amazing how exciting it is to go out now? Strange times.

  2. Glad you got to spend some time with family! So hard not to visit a new granddaughter...
    Does #3 mean you are sneezing anyway? Hope you get better soon!

  3. It must be hard not to see your new granddaughter more frequently, we miss Jackie terribly. It's a season of sacrifice, though, and it will pass and things will return to whatever our new normal might be.

  4. I prayed for you all last night, so glad to read you got baby time!!! She won't mind the crumbs! I do have seasonal allergies, achoo!

  5. Oh yay for seeing Hayden!! Glad you could do that and also glad you and your daughter got out for a little bit. We all need that occasionally. Cars here have been covered with pollen!

  6. Glad you got to see the new baby! What a difficult time to be a new grandmother!

  7. Good for you getting to see your grandbaby and also for getting out. I'm home and alone most of the time. It's a good thing I like being home and alone! :-)

  8. Jeannie, your shampoo comment makes me think that THIS might be the time that we all use up our 'fancy' stuff, the sample sizes & travel sizes, the bottles and bars we keep in our travel bags. It sounds like you've had some joy to fill your well this week. Yay for that!

  9. I'm so glad you got to hold Hayden!

  10. Aww Holding a new baby!!!!
    my 3:
    I got to see 5 retired RN's today on a chat together with me. It was so fun.
    My walmart order only lacked ONE item!
    and the warblers are back! ITs Spring
