Thursday, April 19, 2018

Three on Thursday

First, before we get into the Three on Thursday list, I'd like to thank everyone for chiming in about the font size here on the blog.  I really appreciate everyone's comments and input.  I'm also super happy that everyone chose the larger font size.  When I asked the question, I was a little worried that I'd have to be the tie breaker... and I do not like that kind of pressure.  :)

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photo courtesy of

So...  Three on Thursday.  Can I even think of three things to talk about?  It's going to be a stretch, but here goes.

1.  Grrr! I'm growling just a little bit.  Instead of spending the day doing nothing but knitting (and hopefully finishing) the diagonal stripes blanket, I spent the day with my mother-in-law.  I'm frustrated about the lack of knitting, but it was nice to visit and it was a beautiful day for a road trip.  I hesitate to say it but, spring may have finally arrived!

photo courtesy of
photo courtesy of

2.  The taxes are done and my new glasses are fixed.  Both have been on the agenda for a while.  The taxes for obvious reasons.  The glasses... since getting them back in March, I've had to go in for multiple adjustments each week.  The ear pieces would be so tight they rubbed raw spots behind my ears.  The doctor would loosen them... and they'd slide down my nose.  I'd go get them tightened a smidge... and they'd rub raw spots again.  Loosen them... and they'd be falling off my nose....  It was super annoying and I felt like I was being overly picky but...  And finally they realized - the ear pieces were way too long.  As in WAY too long.  As in almost an inch too long.  They ordered me new ear pieces and I went in a couple of days ago to make the switch.  They are now perfect.  What a relief!

3.  Even more exciting than having well fitting, functioning glasses  is my recent weight loss.  I'm super hesitant to mention it because of karma and all but...  I've lost 22 pounds since the first of February.  I'm pretty dang excited!  

photo courtesy of
photo courtesy of

Other than the slight amount of exercise I get at work, the only lifestyle adjustment I've made is cutting out potatoes.  For the past year, I'd been noticing that I didn't feel so great whenever I ate potatoes.  Then I started feeling terrible when I ate them, and eventually it got to 'never again' status.  And I took that 'never again' to heart.

The strangest thing happened when I stopped eating potatoes.  I stopped craving all carbs!  Granted, I still crave individual, specific carbs occasionally, but the cravings are Nothing like they used to be.  It used to be I couldn't sleep at night until I'd satisfied the need for chocolate, ice cream or a loaf of bread.  Now, I'll just get that weird little tickle in the back of my mind saying, "Wouldn't a Hershey Bar taste fantastic?"  But it's such a tiny, quiet tickle, it's easy to ignore. 

Now, if I could just make my husband understand.  He usually stops at the grocery store on his way home from work to pick up the dinner ingredients.  Four or five nights a week, he brings home a sack of potatoes then is completely flabbergasted when I don't eat them. 

Okay.  So, that was a strange list but it's what's running through my head at the moment.  Care to read others' lists?  Join me over at Carole's for today's Three on Thursday link up.  I'm sure there will be much more interesting lists to read.  Oops. Turns out, Carole is on vacation. If anyone else forgot about that & wrote a ToT post, feel free to leave a link in the comments.


  1. I think you've got three great things! I tend to resent almost anything that takes away knitting time (work, preparing dinner, laundry, my mil ...) but sometimes we're forced to do the right thing. And the potatoes! This is really intriguing to me; I have those same loud cravings for carbs and am definitely going to give no potatoes a try. Congratulations on 22 lbs.!

    1. My body's reaction to potatoes had become so bad I'm calling it an allergy. I don't know if the 'allergy' was causing me to crave the carbs or if it was just a blood sugar thing. What ever it is/was, I feel SO much better now!

  2. Wow! I'm so happy to hear that you've found such a big difference from eliminating potatoes from you diet. Good for you! Eating more healthfully - and losing some weight, to boot - must make you feel GREAT. You are awesome. :-)

    1. Thanks! And since I'm not filling up on potatoes, I'm eating more veggies - always a good thing! And yes, I do feel great! Happy about the weight loss and just generally feel SO much better without potatoes in my belly. :)

  3. Replies
    1. LOL, yeah - cutting out potatoes cut about 98% of my diet out. But the pain they were causing .... it's worth it!

  4. Congratulations on the weight loss! I would have a hard time not eating potatoes, but I did a little search on being allergic to them. Oh. Hmn. I'm not sure I want to do this... (I'm already -mostly- gluten, dairy and sugarfree). Anyway, glad you discovered what's doing it for you.
    Also, the glasses, that must be such a relief. I've always had contact lenses, but now that I sometimes have to wear reading glasses I can understand how important it is that glasses fit just right.

    1. Thanks! I have the feeling most of the weight loss is because my body is no longer so swollen from the potatoes. They really were having a Horrible effect on me.

  5. wow! congrats on the weight loss! I cannot imagine not eating potatoes but then I feel fantastic eating them. However, when i eat less bread I do feel better so maybe I should try your method and see what happens.

    1. Thanks! The potatoes were making me feel so bad, it wasn't hard to give them up. It was Very difficult to figure out what else to eat though. I'm settling into a much heavier veggie diet now so, Yay!
