Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Doing the Happy Dance!

I'm so happy!

 I'm happy because Zack finally came and packed up his room yesterday.  He moved out two years ago and when he left, all he took with him was his guitars, his computer, his bowling balls, one beach towel, a few pair of jeans and his toothbrush. All his 'stuff,' his manga, his rock band magazines, his stuffed animals from when he was three, his posters, bowling trophies, CD's, DVD's, 90% of his clothes.... have all been just sitting.  Sitting, waiting for him to come make the Toss or Keep decision. 

Now that Zack's room is mostly empty, I can have a yarn stash room.  A whole room to fill!  Happy Dance!

Zack putting together the fire pit he bought at Walmart and gave to us for Christmas.
It's almost a fire pit.

Zack gave us a fire pit for Christmas and I knew if I waited long enough, he'd put it together for me.  Now we can have an outdoor fire.  I'm so excited.  I've wanted a fire pit for ages!

Some how the YMCA song got put into my phone's music thing and every time I press Shuffle, YMCA plays.  Of course I can't resist doing the arm motions, and it's played so much the dog has learned to jump up in the air every time they sing the Y-M-C-A parts.  It cracks me up that she's doing her on version of the YMCA dance.

hand knit striped shawl or scarf knit with Patons Kroy Socks yarn
41 Teeth on my Hitchhiker Shawl

I'm happy dancing that I've finally passed the 40 teeth mark on my Hitchhiker shawl.  (And how is it that I always notice a mistake in the photos, never in the knitting itself?)

I'm happy dancing over the weather.  It has FINALLY stopped raining and with the sun, we have warmth!  Actually, we have heat.  We hit 75 degrees today and tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer.  Record breaking warm, actually.  Actually, I might not be that happy tomorrow.  It was Hot today!  And if it's going to be this hot, I'm going to have to shave my legs & dig out some shorts.  Please, please, bring back the snow!

I'm frantically happy dancing over Sarah's new computer arriving today.  You wouldn't think I'd be so excited for her to get a new computer....  But she's been using mine every day.  I've only had computer access for an hour or two in the evenings for the last month or so.  It's been a struggle.

But, with all that no-computer time I've had on my hands, I've had lots more time to read.  I'm happy that I read four books this week.  I finished The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman (and it was Excellent!,) The Christmas Boyfriend by Taylor Hart, The One Hour Content Plan by Meera Kothand, and Lifestyle Blogging Basics by Laura Lynn.  The two blogging business books were interesting and motivational but not earth shatteringly educational.  The Christmas Boyfriend was what you'd expect from a story line where a girl hires a stranger to be her boyfriend to get her parents off her back.  In other words, total fluff but fun and quick to read.  And then there was The Ocean at the End of the Lane.  Wow! I LOVED this book!  It was one of those books where I found myself frequently highlighting whole passages and I was riveted from page one all the way to the very end.  I'm definitely giving this one five stars.  No actually, I'm giving it more than five.  Six stars and I'm adding it to my 'Re-Read Every Couple of Years' list. I'm also going to buy a hard copy that I can actually use a real highlighter on to underline my favorite passages instead of having to track them down on my Kindle. The Ocean at the End of the Lane may not have been a very happy story, but I sure am happy that I chose to read it.

I'm joining up with the #Unraveled crew over at Kat's.


  1. that's a lot of happy dancing!! my daughter hasn't lived here for 3-4 years and her room is exactly as it was when she lived here. I should remind her to take some stuff....My son still comes home for weeks at a time since he is a full time grad student. I love the colors in your shawl, gorgeous!!

    1. Thanks! The shawl is being knit with simple, craft store sock yarn. I was a little worried how the stripes would work but I like the way it's turning out.

  2. Although my son moved away several years ago, I still have two full drum sets, a hockey bag, many skateboards and skateboard parts, and his rock collection to deal with! :-D

    1. Gotta love those rock collections! :) Thankfully Zack sold his drum set not long after he moved. Drums take up SO much space!

  3. Ah, more books for my list! They all sound good. And a whole room to house the yarn stash... a dream come true ;-)

  4. You are happy dancing today. Yay for all the good things!! And I have a yarn room all to myself, but it's not enough! Some of it is stashed in daughter's bedroom too. LOL Of course, the yarn shares the room with the fabric, sewing, computer desk, TV cabinet, huge recliner, so there isn't that much room for stuff.

    1. My current craft "room" is a corner of a large room. Honestly, I'm surprised the floorboards haven't given way under the weight in here. My husband's office, my craft room/office, the "library" and the kids' video games/TV area all share one room. It's a disaster!

  5. Happy dance away! We don't do enough of that, do we?
    My kids are both out of the house and I don't even want to think about how much yarn stash that has allowed me.

    1. It's killing me actually. :) While I now have a whole room to fill, I'm supposed to be on a yarn diet and not buying anything new.

  6. Do you always match your needles to your projects???? They are so similar in color.

    1. LOL, NO! I try to always have them contrast. I hadn't even noticed that the match this time. I haven't had any problems seeing the stitches on the needles.
