Sunday, April 14, 2019

Sunday Supper - Lasagna Soup

Lasagna Soup.  Lasagna Soup quickly and easily made in the Instant Pot.  Need I say more?

Instant Pot recipe for Lasagna Soup from Belle of the Kitchen
Lasagna Soup, photo courtesy of Belle of the Kitchen

The recipe comes from Belle of the Kitchen.  The website is a little too ad heavy for my taste but the recipe can't be beat!


  1. That looks so delicious!!! Can you believe I don't even know what an instant pot is? I keep hearing about them but have actually never seen one.

  2. This does look good and it makes me want to try our new INstapot, which is pretty much in my husband's domain.

  3. mmmmm. With our 7 inch snowfall I have to say that lasagna looks amazing!

  4. One of my favs! But I have to cut the recipe in half, it makes too much for us to eat!
