Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Kroy, still on the needles

Are you sick of hearing about my Kroy blanket?

Kroy blanket

I promise, I won't be talking about it much longer.  It is still on the 24 inch needles, but I've decreased enough that there's no longer a danger of the stitches falling off the needles if I set it down for a moment without putting point protectors on and, I no longer have to twist the entire blanket around after each row.  And, I've knit almost two full skeins since my last post about it.  Without measuring or even looking at the opposite end, I'm guessing I have four or five more skeins to go before I've decreased down to zero stitches.

Kroy blanket

I doubt I'll finish it this week but I expect to be done by the end of next week for sure.  Of course, I've just completely jinxed myself.... 

Strawberry milkshake from Ashland Coffee and Tea

And, because so many of you wanted to know about what was in the Mason jar at Wednesday night's Sit and Stitch....  It's a strawberry milkshake.  The one in the photo was someone else's.  I didn't get one that night, but you can bet I will tomorrow night.  Other flavors offered were chocolate, banana and banana split.  I think bananas are disgusting but I will be hard pressed to decide between the strawberry and the chocolate.

And while I'm talking about previous posts...  Thank you all so much for the kind words and wishes for Sue and her health.  I'm happy to report that she made it through her first dose of chemo with absolutely no ill effects.  Let's hope this week's goes as smoothly.


  1. The blanket looks great!
    Glad to hear Sue is doing (relatively) well! I hope it will be like that thoughout the treatment.

  2. Oh, yum. I love milkshakes but they don't like me. Good luck with the blanket. It's going to be amazing.

  3. The yarn is just lovely -- it's going to be a great blanket when finished (and I'll bet it's soon!). I haven't had a milkshake in years . . . but oh, yum.

  4. anyone who can knit garter without mistakes is my knitting hero

  5. So glad that Sue has you - I hope she sails through her treatments. Love your knitting and yay for stitches not tempted to fall off.

  6. Now I'm craving a choco banana milkshake!!! Thanks a lot. NOT!

  7. Thank you for the update on Sue ... and yay! for the blanket progress :-)
