Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Jeweled Cowl

Life has been pretty good lately.  

A simple, knitted beaded lace cowl.
Jeweled Cowl

I never thought I'd call a trip to the dentist a 'good thing' but I took their recommendation to do no hard physical activity for a couple of days to heart.  I sat, re-binge watched True Blood and knit bead after bead onto my Jeweled Cowl until I ran low on yarn.

I enjoyed knitting this beaded lace cowl.
Jeweled Cowl

I only knit 46 rows of beads instead of the 51 stated in the pattern.  I'm happy with the depth of the cowl though so ....  But I'm not exactly happy with the circumference of it.  It needed to be an inch or two longer.  In order to twist it around my neck twice, I have to remove my eye glasses and it's like wearing a uncomfortably tight turtle neck.  At this point, I'm not sure if I'll keep it and wear it long or find some skinny, small headed person to give it to.

The pond in stormy weather.

Another good thing -  we had some very warm, dry days last week and I was finally able to take a walk around the neighborhood.  I walked down to the pond and am happy to report that all the ice had melted and there were even mosquitoes buzzing around the water's edge.  Okay, I'm not so happy about the mosquitoes but they are a sign of spring.  I'm also happy I got the walk in when I did.  It felt 'tornado-y' and the weather quickly tanked not long after returning home.

Sign of spring.

Another sign of spring - our lone daffodil has sprouted leaves.

As for my book progress....  Well, I obviously spent more time binge watching True Blood than reading.  I'm still reading Disturb Not the Dream and I started reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  Yeah, I'm a little slow on that one.  I'm probably the last person on the planet to read it.  


  1. The cowl is beautiful - sorry it's not quite as long as you would like. Maybe it could be a good dead-of-winter cowl when a tighter fit might be welcome?

    We are beginning to see signs of spring in our yard - things popping out of the earth and buds appearing on our lilac and wisteria. Every day there's something new to see!

  2. The cowl is just spectacular!!! That tease of nice weather was cruel. It's back to cold here. Ugh.

  3. The cowl is so pretty, have you blocked it to try to stretch it out a bit?

  4. Those beads are just lovely! I'll echo Kim's sentiment -- try stretching it out a bit when wet. ;-)

  5. gorgeous finish! I love the beads and the color and the design :)

  6. Me three, have you tried blocking it? It is lovely, hope you are able to make it work for you!

  7. The cowl is lovely...sorry it's a tad short so if you gift it, some one will be quite happy with it. Enjoy Spring! It is so good to have it here!

  8. The cowl is really beautiful and it sucks that its a bit short. The color is simply amazing! And, those beads... wow! I just love it!

  9. Well darn, I wish that cowl was a bit longer. The color is so pretty and so is the knitting. And a pond without ice is a good pond right now.

  10. Beautiful cowl! It is always so nice to spot the signs of Spring, so far here in Toronto, Canada, the snow is melting a bit and it is getting warmer.
