Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sunday Supper - Peanut Butter Fudge

My mother-in-law always made peanut butter fudge for Christmas and my husand LOVED it.  Absolutely LOVED it!  And since she's no longer able to cook, I thought I'd give it a try this year.  

I'll be using this recipe from Casserole Crissy.  I've never made any kind of fudge before so wish me luck.  The recipe looks easy enough.  I should be able to handle it.

Happy baking!


  1. The Mister's family had a vacation trailer in Luray VA and we used to go up to the caverns and watch them make fudge in that big candy shop they have. Peanut butter fudge always reminds me of that. The Mister likes peanut butter fudge too but I have a mild nut allergy so I steer clear of it these days. I remember it being really good though. Soynut butter fudge is just not the

  2. My Mom had a recipe that she called "Never Fail Fudge". She swore she never did anything different but some years it was eaten with a spoon and other years it was perfect. :-)
