Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Christmas Gift Knitting

The Christmas gift knitting continues so no knitting photos today.  Not even black and white ones.

We had a visit from Jack Frost during Winterfest this past weekend.  Everyone in our booth loves it when the various Christmas charecters stop by for a photo op and to say Merry Christmas.

But back to talking about knitting...

Boy!  I am so far behind on the knitting schedule.  So very, very far behind.  But, I've revamped my calendar, made a detailed plan, and if I don't have a single interruption and I can manage to focus on the knitting rather than the Hallmark Christmas movies, I think I can get it all done.  All it will take is zero interruptions and a small Christmas miracle.

And, since I'm so far behind on gift knitting, I'm even further behind on the Winterfest sweater project.  I'm actually now two full, gallon Zip-lock bags of yarn behind.  Two very, very full gallon bags.  Luckily, that sweater doesn't have a deadline.  Well, actually I guess it does now.  A little boy stopped by the booth this past weekend was quite concerned about when it would be finished.  He wouldn't settle for "a long time from now."  So, I now have the deadline of March, 2022.  And a six year old boss.  ๐Ÿ˜


  1. OK, I'm glad to know that is Jack Frost, because when I saw the thumbnail for this post, I was a bit creeped out, I have to say!

    1. LOL, Jack Frost is a little freaky looking. His blueish, frozen face is a bit strange. He shimmers though so he's also pretty cool looking. Pun not even intended! :)

  2. I thought that was Spike from Buffy at first! Spike going to prom...lol.

  3. OMG, that is too funny. Well, maybe not really funny, but FUNNY!! I am sure you also have an even longer boss in Hayden, LOL
