Friday, July 17, 2020


Can you believe - we had nice enough weather the other day that I was able to sit outside on the deck and knit on my mohair Timeless sweater.  In July!  How crazy is that?

Timeless Pullover

I've got two rows to go before separating the sleeves from the body.

As exciting as that is, it's not the important news.

The view from the screened porch

The important news is that my sister and I spent yesterday at our cousin's house.  On the river.  It was fabulous!

Believe it or not, it was my first full day away from my mother-in-law since moving in with her on November 1st.  That's a looooong time to go without a full breakfast-through-dinner day off.  

It was the first time I'd visited my cousin and his wife at their river house but it won't be the last.  I know where they live now.  What a gorgeous old house they have, what a gorgeous view they have, and what a gorgeous day we picked to visit.

The shore was covered in muscles that had washed up for unknown reasons.

My sister had gotten a new car the day before so she had a good time driving us to the river.  Once there, we had a fun "ladies' lunch" that, thankfully, did not involve take-out pizza or sub sandwiches.  Besides the fabulous food and the wonderful company, what made it so fun was that the table was set with old family silver and china.  

What's so special about eating off old family china?  Well, if I understand how it works correctly, my cousin is both my first and second cousin.  My mother's brother married my dad's first cousin.  And the cousin we were visiting is a product of that marriage.  What it all boils down to is that all the 'stuff' from from multiple generations of two family lines got split between my sister and I and my two cousins.  There is a Lot of family history there.  And my cousin's wife is into genealogy and relationships as well as history, so she's full of stories of where things came from and the stories behind the items.  

Wow!  That was a long winded way to say we had a really nice lunch.  

And then we hit the water.  There is something so incredibly special about swimming in salt water river water.  And we had gorgeous, perfect weather.  I didn't want to leave.


  1. That looks like such a relaxing afternoon, for multiple reasons! Glad you enjoyed it.

  2. What a view!!! Looks like a gorgeous place and sounds like a wonderful day. Love your sweater knitting!

  3. Oh my word, that VIEW!!!! I would never leave the porch.

    I don't miss much from Florida, but I DO miss living on the river. What river is the house on? (You're right ....salt water really soothes the body. All though I never swam in the St. Johns. Too much current and .....alligators sometimes.

  4. What a lovely day! My Aunt lives on the river in Virginia and it amazes me that it looks as big and wide as the Chesapeake Bay where she is.

  5. I am so happy you had a well deserved break and time with your sister. Lovely photos!!

  6. That sweater is so light looking and awesome

  7. What a beautiful sweater. I'm also glad that you were able to spend time with your sister and cousin. It's important to take breaks for yourself. More often than you have been my friend.
    My brother and I also married first cousins. So we have a similar story as you do. How funny is that?

  8. It sounds like you had a wonderful time and you deserved it so much after all the moving and care taking. Stay safe.

  9. ahhhh... mohair in the summer AND a lovely lunch with family-who-are-friends. good things!

  10. What a gorgeous place!! I can see why you didn't want to leave.
