Tuesday, June 23, 2020

On the needles

Split hem ragland knit with 2 strands of Palette held together. https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1435479&u=1446317&m=59159&urllink=&afftrack=
Palette Sampler Sweater

The Palette sampler sweater is still on the needles but I am making fairly decent progress on it.   I've finished with the body and have started the first sleeve's ribbing.  Before you get too excited about that though, let me remind you that I'm doing Swoncho style sleeves.  Swoncho sleeves start the ribbing at the elbow.  In other words, I still have ten or eleven more inches to go.

This will definitely be a one of a kind sweater.  I used Green Mountain Spinnery's Easy Ragland design for the number of cast on stitches, increase stitch marker placement and a rough estimate for how many ragland increases to knit and the rest, I have made up as I went along.  

I've knit that Easy Ragland design a gazillion times and wanted something a little different this time.  The two yarns held together and changing of one at a time every few inches made it colorful and I'd never be able to recreate the stripe pattern.  And because I used up some of the skeins on the body and other skeins are oh-so-close but just slightly different in color to others, it's very difficult to visually figure out which skeins I used where.  And of course I didn't track them in any kind of way so...  So, the sleeves will not match the body, nor even each other.

This sweater is going to be one wild beast!

Rather than doing standard ribbing at the waist, I decided to do a garter stitch split hem.  I also added a few extra garter ridges on the back edge.

And as for the sleeves, well, who knows how they will turn out.  Once I decided to knit swoncho-style sleeves, I set aside a few full skeins for the ribbing.... And then forgot to plan for the color change.  So now I'll be doing the ribbing in colorful stripes as well.  I do think I might try to end both sleeves with the same yarns though.  While I've never been bothered about my striped socks not matching, I think it might make me a little crazy if the cuffs around my wrists don't match.  

In any event, the sweater is going to be a wild beast of color and mismatched edgings.  And warm, which is another reason it may take me a month to finish knitting the sleeve ribbing.

If you are so inclined, please keep me in your thoughts tomorrow.  I'm finally getting the biopsy done on my thyroid, and not a moment too soon.  I'm starting to have trouble sleeping because I'm having difficulty breathing if my head is turned or tipped forward the least little bit.  Well, that's not exactly true - it just feels like I can't breathe.  At first the growth gave me the sensation of wearing a too tight turtle neck but now it feels more like a steel bar is pressing against my throat.

In any event, I'm excited to finally be doing something about it but I'll admit that I'm a little nervous about them jabbing needles into my neck.  Actually what I'm nervous about is the fact that I won't be allowed to talk or swallow while they jab needles into my neck.  The very moment you tell me not to do either, I start speed talking and/or swallowing.  If I fail to post here on Thursday, you'll know I swallowed at the wrong moment and they stuck me in the jugular. 


  1. Best of luck on the tests today - hope they go well and you get a quick answer. I think the wild beast of a sweater is going to be beautiful!

  2. Sending you good thoughts for today! I'm sure they're used to the same nervous reactions and will help to keep you calm for the test.

  3. Your sweater is gorgeous!
    Good luck tomorrow. My sister went through all that and had the surgery to remove her thyroid and she's just fine. It was just a small pain in the neck, literally but nothing like what my other sister had when she had a neck/spine issue that required surgery. That was terrible.

  4. Prayers to you!!! I think the sweater will be gorgeous with all the riotous color!

  5. Sending all the best juju your way! I'm so glad you're taking this important step! (Your knitting is beautiful, too.) XOXO

  6. Sending good wishes you way for a quick and easy procedure AND good results.

  7. Best of luck that all goes smoothly and you can find out the info you need for some relief! Know that many are sending healing energy your way!

    Your knitting is always so beautiful and I know this piece will be no different. :-)

  8. The sweater is wonderful! I love the colors. I will be praying for you tomorrow that everything goes well and you neither talk or swallow at the wrong time! (I'm the same way.) Once you know what's up it will be much easier on the nerves.

  9. Oh I want to see that garter split stitch hem! cool

  10. I think a split hem is perfect! It gives it a clean classic polished look.

  11. One of the medical foster mom's I work with has the same issue with her thyroid, she feels it slides over when she sleeps and it dos not allow her to breathe right. She showed me how much it moves around, after lots of tests they have not doe a thing to help her. Good luck with your tests and your sweater.
