Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Christmas catch up

While the first snow of 2019 falls, I'm playing catch up with showing you some of my Christmas knits.  Please forgive the photo quality.  I was hastily snapping photos in bad lighting at 4 a.m. moments before cramming the gifts into their wrappings.

Hitchhiker scarf or shawl knit with Knit Pick's Hawthorne http://shrsl.com/1e47r

I knit my sister a Hitchhiker.  I used Knit Pick's Laurelhurst Hawthorne.  My sister lives a pretty busy lifestyle full of dogs and grandkids so I thought washable wool was called for.  I have to admit, I had a hard time parting with this one.  I came dangerously close to keeping it for myself.  I just love the 'pond scum' greens and browns in the yarn.

Simple cowl knit with Uptown Bulky Amplify yarn from Center of the Yarniverse
VCU Cowl

And a VCU cowl....

Black and yellow Uptown Worsted Spirit Stripes

And a VCU hat for my brother in law.  The hat turned out hideously bright, but it's VCU black and yellow so....  The yarn for the hat and cowl came from my new local yarn shop, Center of the Yarniverse.

knitted f-bomb, knit with scrap yarns as a joke gift.

And F-bombs for the supervisors at work.  The F-bomb project idea started off as me knitting one as a joke for a friend, then it sort of snowballed into all nine supervisors in my department getting one.  I was a little hesitant about giving them but they seemed to go over well.  I was a little surprised when several of the supervisors immediately sent pictures of the F-bombs to their mothers.  Thankfully the moms thought they were funny too.

And because it's snowing (sadly, more like sleeting mixed with a little frozen rain now)...

Snow on cedar
There's just something magical about the way snow hangs on the cedar's branches.


  1. Lovely gifts; lucky recipients. And those F-bombs? The BOMB!

  2. You were clearly busy! Glad the people at work enjoyed the gifts in the spirit they were meant. :-)

  3. What a gorgeous Hitchhiker! And the F-Bombs - Perfect!!! Love them.

  4. Those F bombs are just too funny!!!

  5. wowza! you knit a lot and they all look fabulous. The f bomb is quite humorous :)

  6. Love all the things but especially the VCU things!
