Monday, October 8, 2018

Makers' Monday

Join me for Makers' Monday,

Montpelier fall fiber festival

Otherwise known as the day my daughter has to drop out of college...

Because I spent next year's tuition on yarn at the Montpelier Fiber Festival.

Photos of the yarn I bought will be forthcoming... I just need to recover from the heat stroke first.  

good food at the Montpelier fiber festival

But despite the unbelievable heat and humidity, we had a good time.  We watched the sheep dog trials, we ate lamb barbecue and we shopped until we dropped. Almost literally.  It really was that hot!  

We didn't even go into the last two tents because we were so hot.  I was sweating in places I didn't even know could sweat!
But it's probably just as well.... seeing as though I'd already spent the rest of Sarah's college fund.


  1. But, at least you will all be covered in knitwear and kept busy using up the new stash.

    There are two sides to every store. Always find the side that leads to MORE yarn!

  2. yay for a festival that focuses on YARN. I was wondering where you went and what you bought.
