Thursday, May 3, 2018

Three Things

Three exciting things happened this week...

1.  So, Saturday afternoon, I was driving to work, the weather was beautiful, good tunes were blasting out the speakers, I was a happy little camper as I gawked off to my left at the hundreds of baby goats running around the goat farm field and suddenly.... BAM!  A snake falls out of the sky and lands on my windshield.  A snake!  On my windshield!  I had a not-so-brief moment of panic and eventually managed to fling it off the car with the windshield wipers.

So, besides a crazy story that isn't so crazy if you know me and know how things like snakes falling from the sky just seem to happen to me, I also have a nice hairline crack in my windshield.  The kind of crack that you don't really notice until you turn on your defroster... and then you hear that weird crackling noise and a giant gaping hole spreads across your windshield.  Ahhh.... Something to look forward to.

2.  I started the second color on my So Faded sweater.

Dark Mood Hawthorne yarn set from Knit Picks
So Faded sweater knit with Dark Mood from Knit Picks

I'm using Knit Pick's Hawthorne Dark Mood set of yarns to knit the sweater and I'm using them in order of light to dark.  The speckled yarn is Berry Smoothie and the second color is Kerns.  

I am beyond fascinated with Kerns.  In the house at night under lamplight, Kerns is a mixture of grays.  In the house in daylight, it's a mixture of taupe-y browns.  But take the skein outdoors in the sunlight and it becomes a mix of purples.  I almost didn't use the Kerns skein because I thought it was kind of bla but... Wow!  Now, after seeing it knit up in different lights, I'm thinking I need a whole sweater knit in Kerns.  A sweater, a hat, some socks and definitely some arm warmers.  Kerns just may be my new favorite neutral colored yarn!

striped wool cowl knit with palette from knit picks
Weather cowl knit with Knit Picks Palette yarn.

3.  I added the first orange stripe to my weather cowl yesterday.  And if you are curious, orange represents 89 - 99 degrees.  Yes, Virginia.  We had exactly two days of spring.  Two!  We have now jumped directly to scorching summer heat.

The one benefit I can think of to jumping directly to the seventh level of summer heat Hell is that I shouldn't have to worry about the defroster and my windshield for a while.  But on the off chance the temperatures drop back down and we revert back to winter, let me go ahead and say - This post contains affiliate links.  Go buy some yarn!  Help me buy a new windshield!  If you'd like to make your own weather cowl or scarf, I'm using Palette which comes in practically every color known to man.  And then there's Hawthorne.   You can't go wrong with Hawthorne.  It comes in THE loveliest colorways and it's a joy to knit with. 

After you finish yarn shopping, join me over at Carole's for today's Three on Thursday link up.


  1. Eek! I just get cracks in my windshield from rocks. We are on our 8th windshield repair/replacement in the last 6 years. 3 of them this year alone!!

    1. I already had a couple of rock 'dings' in the windshield. I don't think the car needs to be inspected until August. Hopefully the glass will hold together until then.

  2. Should be interesting explaining to the insurance company that a snake falling from the sky cracked your windshield. ;-) Hope you can get it fixed easily.

  3. A snake? Wow! I find snakes in the garden and up in the woods -- but never falling from the sky (although once a pheasant flew directly into my windshield, which totally freaked me out). I love complicated yarns - like your Kerns - when you never know quite what color it is! :-)

    1. LOL... the mental image of a pheasant plastered to the windshield! They're huge though so I'm sure that was horrible! ... But I'm still laughing. I just watched Terminator 3 the other night where the terminator gets slammed into a truck windshield so I'm picturing a pheasant/terminator combo. :)

  4. The snake dropping into your windshield so horrified me that I could barely read numbers two and three! I once had a bat fall onto my windshield, but it had dropped off the scaffolding on a bridge crossing the Delaware. I think the insurance company should give you something extra for "best cracked windshield story"!

    1. My luck, my insurance dude will be a PETA member and charge me double.
      Wow! Bat vs. snake - I'm not sure which is more terrifying.

  5. Wait, wut??? I now need to be worried about snakes falling from the skies?? Even the momentary gladness I am feeling that you did not have images of this horrific (heart attack provoking even) event. Holy crap... how the heck??

    On a much brighter note... your knitting is gorgeous and I love your fade start!

    1. LOL! I'm just, for once, glad I don't have a convertible. :) And thanks! I am totally in love with the Dark Mood yarn set.

  6. OMG - I'm sure I would have gone off the road and into the goats or something. I remember a story about someone canoeing in the Dismal Swamp (don't ask why - it wasn't me and not a place I would go) and a snake dropped out of a tree into their canoe. Can you imagine? Snake in the canoe but you don't want to jump out because: dismal Swamp. Stuff of nightmares I tell you.

    Absolutely LOVE your Fade start and when you first showed the Dark Moods colors I swooned. Now I want them for sure!!

    1. Thanks! I am SO happy with Dark Moods! The Dismal Swamp has been on my bucket list although now... I'm not so sure. I would hate to have to choose between death by gator or snake. Yikes!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I had a turkey fly into my windshield! I don't know how you didn't drive off the road with a snake though! Ack!!! Love that orange stripe! A beautiful sign of more things to come!

    1. Well, it was a Very good thing there wasn't a car beside me! As for my cowl, thanks! I love the individual colors I'm using but I'm not overly crazy about them together, side by side. But I'm knitting from the stash so...

  9. I'll be thinking about that snake story for a while. It sounds like a perfect opening scene for a movie. I would have been totally freaked out!

    Your knits are so fun. The So Faded sweater is gorgeous. I think I look horrible in pullovers, or else I'd make one, too. And what a great weather cowl. I should do one next year. Two days of spring, huh? That's disappointing!

    1. Snakes On A Plane has nothing on me! :) The weather cowl is fun although I'm not thrilled with my color choices. I'm doing a knit from the stash challenge though and am using what was available.

  10. Hope it cools down soon for you. I lived in Lynchburg for 18 months many, many years ago and had never felt that kind of intense heat. It is worse than Florida and that is saying something! By the way I was walking the boys two weeks ago and thought I saw a branch, that was really a snake. I did not veer close but came home and looked it up, a cottonmouth! Really, just behind my yard! Yikes!

    1. Yikes is right! Oddly, I don't worry that much about cottonmouths even though we live by a lake and have a lot of swampy areas nearby. I probably don't worry because I've never seen one. But copperheads.... I'm constantly on the lookout for them. I almost stepped on one while bringing groceries into the house a few years ago. Now, I think every stick that lands in our driveway is a deadly snake. :)

  11. so glad you did not wreck the car. We went to see our daughter in Newark and got a nice ding from a rock on the windshield and they fixed it in our driveway - you can still see it though. Then the next time we visited her with the other car, that windshield got a ding. I swear!! crazy! I don't think they can glue a long hairline crack though....

    1. Me too!! I think this windshield has been doomed from the start and I'm almost looking forward to getting a new one. It got dinged 3 times in the first month of car ownership and several more times since - and I just bought the car last fall. It's got more crack than glass at this point. :)
