Thursday, May 10, 2018

I'm fine

Today is Three on Thursday and I pretty much have nothing for it.  All I have done since my last post, like, literally all I have done, is knit around and around and around on my So Faded sweater.

Photo taken at night in fluorescent lamp light.

I don't even have a decent photo to show off my progress because, well, I've been too busy knitting.  My husband even offered to take me out to dinner the other night but I chose to stay home and eat a sandwich instead because, well.... knitting!  I'm seriously, neurotically obsessed with knitting this sweater.

I'm so over the moon in love with the current yarn.  It's the Arleta colorway.  I knew it was my favorite of the group while it was in the skein but....  It's even prettier knitted up!  I'm SO glad I went ahead and ordered a few more skeins the other day to use on the sleeves.  (Yes, I'm going to knit the sleeves with one yarn instead of stripes.)

But, it's Three on Thursday.  I'm supposed to be listing three things, not blathering on about my sweater obsession.

Okay, fine!*

My three favorite motivational quotes, in no particular order:

1.  "Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own.  I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me or I can be lost in the maze.  My choice; my responsibility; win or loose, only I hold the key to my destiny."  Elaine Maxwell

2.  "My center is giving way, my right is in retreat; situation excellent.  I shall attack."  General Ferdinand Foch

3.  "Destination, determination, deliberation"  J. K. Rowling

*I'm cheating.  "Fine" is actually my all time favorite.  It stands for "freaked out (or F***ed up depending on the situation,) insecure, neurotic and emotional.  And I hear that in my head every single time I hear someone say, "I'm fine."

Even though I cheated, I hope you'll still join me over at Carole's for today's Three on Thursday link up.


  1. I can see why you're obsessed. That yarn is really lovely. :-)

  2. Your yarn is so beautiful! No wonder you just keep knitting around and around. Love that quote from Foch.

    1. Thank you! I love that quote too. It reminds me to never give up no matter how rough things seem.

  3. I can see why it's your fave! The color!!!

    1. I know! :) It just screams 'perfect fall maple leaf' color.

  4. I need to find the balance between so obsessed that I can’t stop knitting and overwhelmed so I don’t pick up my knitting.

    1. I'm that way with reading but if I don't knit every day, I get a little bit twitchy.

  5. that is a gorgeous knit and the yarn looks so soft :) I bet it is!!

    1. It is! And it will get even softer after being tossed in the washer and dryer. Yes, dryer! How fantastic is that?? :)
