Thursday, May 24, 2018

Three on Thursday

I should know better by now.  Karma always wins.

front porch remodel

First, I joked on Facebook that my husband had torn up our front porch in an effort to curb my Amazon/online knitting purchases.  I should have known better because...

photo courtesy of

The next day, a power washing company showed up and proceeded to make our entries/exits very, very wet for several hours.  Now, I'm afraid Mr. UPS Man won't recognize our clean house.

photo courtesy of

And the next day, our road was closed due to paving.

Oh, Mr. UPS Man, I miss you!

Join me for today's Three on Thursday link up here.


  1. LOL

    But just think how inviting it will be to Mr. U.P.S. when the road is smooth and the house looks so BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Seems a bit excessive, but your husband sure knows how to throw a wrench in your shopping! LOL

  3. Wow, your husband is good at this! You might need to outwit him by diverting your packages to a neighbor's house!
