Monday, March 26, 2018

Makers' Monday

It's Makers' Monday and I've got nothing to show for it.

Opening weekend at Kings Dominion
Back to work

Instead of knitting, or making anything for that matter, I've been at work.  This weekend was the season opener and the past week was a wild ride of getting ready for the park open and the first day craziness.  For someone used to spending their time snacking and knitflixing, the week was exhausting.  It's been great getting back to work but phew! I'm tired.  I will most likely spend today sleeping rather than knitting.

Hopefully you are able to handle the combination of job/life plus knitting/creating better than I. Please share a bit about what you've been working on lately.  Hopefully I can get my craft on through osmosis.  :)


  1. Adjusting to a new schedule is never easy! Hopefully, you'll find time for your making again once you settle into your new routine. XO

    1. Going from not working at all to 6 days a week is definitely a shock to the system. It won't take me too long to adjust though.

  2. I just googled your work place. That looks like so much fun! But I can imagine the transition is bumpy. Hope you get enough rest today.
    A jetlag actually combines with knitting rather well, so I've been hat knitting away this week. No intricate patterns and hardly any creativity though, my brain was switched off. ;-)

    1. The transition is a nightmare each year, but I do love the job. Hope the jetlag isn't too terrible. Happy knitting!

  3. I hate when "real life" gets in the way of crafting. Hope your crafting mojo comes back soon.

  4. Thankfully, I'm retired and can set my own schedule now, but I remember going back to work after summer break - it was brutal.

    1. The brutality of the transition is mostly my own fault. It would be much easier if I did something besides knitflixing during the winter. :)

  5. I'm in the same boat as Tired Teacher, 'Retirement'.
    Adjusting is tiring.
    Rest well, today.
