Monday, March 5, 2018

Makers' Monday

It's Makers' Monday!  Yay!

Boy am I glad to see this past weekend end.  All last week Mr. Weatherman kept talking about high wind warnings for Friday.  On Thursday afternoon, they announced schools would be closed on Friday.  They closed the schools in advance for wind!  I had to laugh.  I mean I know wind can be dangerous.  And I know that it has rained every single day in 2018 so the ground is saturated which adds to the danger....  But come on!  Virginia tends to be the laughing stock of the US when it comes to snow closings and now you're closing for wind?

Turns out, it was a pretty good decision because the wind definitely blew.  Friday was the first sunny day of 2018.  Actually it may have been the third sunny day but it felt like the first.  Sunny, with hurricane force winds.  Hurricane force winds that blew for a full 24 hours.

photo of just one of the trees that fell during winter storm Riley
Power thief

This downed tree may not look like much, but it fell early-ish Friday morning, blocking us in and taking out our power line.  It doesn't look like much, but it's almost two feet in diameter and the other third of the tree, the top third, is over across the street blocking up the neighbor's driveway.

We have an excellent power company (I bet you don't hear that very often!) and they were able to restore our power after only about 12 hours.  Naturally, we had all gone to bed out of boredom not 30 minutes before hand.  Saturday morning, we all hopped out of bed bright and early, eager to play on our computers... only to find that while we had power, we had no internet service.  Dammit!

We finally got our internet back Saturday night.  On Sunday morning I finished catching up on email reading.... and discovered I'd just missed Craftsy's free weekend.  Craftsy had an All Classes are Free weekend and I missed it!  Double dammit!

Knit 52 Hats in 2018 challenge.  Knitting for #MakersMonday
Hat #14 out of 52

In my frustration, I started knitting another hat.

a knitting book from the 1980's

Tell me that knitting book isn't straight out of the '80's!

I'm using the shaping from a hat featured in The Sweater Connection and a simple fair isle design from a random stitch dictionary that happened to be within reach at the time.   And of course, I'm using Knit Picks' Wool of the Andes in Lake Ice Heather and Garnet Heather.

So, here's hoping you'll join me for Makers' Monday and tell me all about the free Craftsy classes you took, the wild weather you experienced this weekend and of course, what you're creating.


  1. Oh, my goodness! Look at that sweater!!! So very 80s. . . :-)
    Glad your power was restored so quickly.

  2. Ha, yes! So eighties! Brings back memories ;-)
    Those were strong winds! Glad to hear nobody was hurt and things got restored quickly.

  3. Nothing worse than not having power in the winter. Glad yours was restored quickly.

  4. It's been windy here too. March coming in like a lion for sure! I've been wrangling 3 dogs all weekend, I am ready for a break!

  5. Also glad your power was restored! New England was hit pretty hard on the coast but inland we had a big fat rain storm and that’s it. Wednesday may prove to be interesting!

  6. UGH .....we were lucky. Power only out for 6 hours. Internet out MUCH longer. But, we at least HAVE power. They are still out in Doylestown and some of the western suburbs.

    And .... we get it again tomorrow. UGH!

  7. Your hat is looking gorgeous! I love it when people think outside the pattern.
    Sorry about the loss of power and Internet. We rarely lose power in Wisconsin -- knock on wood!

  8. Excitement - sometimes I rather do without. You handled it well.
