Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Put to rest

Another season has been put to rest.  Sunday was the park's last open day and Monday was my last day to work. While part of me is jumping up and down screaming, "Yippe! It's finally over!!" the other part of me is already looking forward to next season.   Over the last few weeks I've come to the conclusion that the new supervisor position isn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be and I'm actually a little bit excited about the 2017 season.  Or at least, I am today.  Yesterday I was still tired and burned out.  I worked close to 50 hours this past weekend and by the time I left the park Monday evening, it was all I could do to stay awake long enough to drive home.  Once home, I ate my weight in chinese take-out and was in bed by 8:15 p.m.  In bed, lights out, by 8:15 p.m. on Halloween.  That's tired!  Multiple days in a row with less than 8 hours between shifts will do that to a girl.

I was looking forward to waking up early on Tuesday and beginning my non-working life.  In other words, I was looking forward to getting up early, beginning the arduous task of getting the house back in some kind of order and taking photos of my knitting in sun light.  But yesterday was not the day.  I slept until almost noon, dealt with four days of ignored email, celebrated my semi-retirement by having dinner out with the spouse, then came home and went back to bed.

Hopefully today will be the day instead.  Hopefully.  I'm already off to a late start and...

thick, bulky warm scarf hand knit and for sale at
Triple Gray Cowl

... I have this fun, relaxing knit on the needles.  It's a simple garter stitch scarf/cowl knit with three yarns held together.   And  yes, as it turns out, it's another striped project.  Sort of.  It's such a mindless, thick and squishy project, it's hard to put down.  And thus, the problem with getting the housework accomplished.

As for what I'm reading, (it is Wednesday and I am joining Ginny's Yarn Along) well, I guess I'm cheating by posting to the Yarn Along.  In all honesty, I'm reading a tiny bit of everything and a whole lot of nothing.  I have about six different books going but I haven't opened a single one of them since last week.  Yikes.


  1. well, it sounds like you will have lots of time to finish up all that reading. the cowl is beautiful...although i would love to see more of it!! ;)

  2. love the color and the squishy factor of your project. I am glad we are heading into middle of fall and the air is cold (most of the time).
