Saturday, November 26, 2016


Oy with the poodles!  I never want to see another carb.

made a few pies for Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving went well.  The meal was delicious, the family well and there was no drama.  I didn't even cry in the kitchen!  Couldn't ask for more.  But goodness!  I ate too much.

knitting a Baktus scarf
Baktus scarf

I spent yesterday recovering from a massive carb hangover.  I'd had big plans.  I was going to go visit a childhood friend who was in town for the holiday then I was going to spend the afternoon/evening watching helping my daughter decorate our house for Christmas.

None of that happened.  I ended up spending the better part of the day glued to Gilmore Girls, A Year in the Life on Netflix and knitting.  It's probably for the best.  As much as I wanted to see my friend, my Etsy shop has been exploding recently.  Not a bad thing.  Not bad at all, but it has left me in a bit of a knitting panic.  Besides the Christmas gift knitting, I've added a few custom orders to the do-list and the shop is in desperate need of some new stock.

But it's okay.  I have a plan, a ton of yarn and a To-Knit list.  And there's the seven original seasons of Gilmore Girls, not to mention a zillion Christmas movies to keep me entertained while I knit.  I got this!

And bonus points if you noticed my new Ikea pillow slippers.  They are fantastic!  So warm and comfy, and Christmassy.  Except, they are so big & puffy, I don't know where my feet are and I keep stepping on the dogs.

Oy with the poodles.


  1. I'm wondering why you are done with crabs....then I re read the word, duh. I am feeling a bit better today but yesterday I felt like a slug. Nice knitting you got there :)

    1. LOL, well, I am allergic to seafood. The funny thing is, I just finished reading your Thanksgiving Weekend post & kept reading that you'd had a nice Tequila instead of Thanksgiving. They are even similar words! My mind is in the gutter.
