Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Another Granny Square

Thank you all for the well wishes. My back/pinched nerve is feeling better but I'm still on muscle relaxers, can't stand for more than a moment and I'm still not walking well.  It's getting better though.  I've gotten the use of my leg back although I'm still completely numb from my mid thigh to mid calf.  That's an improvement though.  

Have you ever had a pinched nerve or back issues that caused numbness?  It's such a strange sensation.  My knee feels like it's about four feet in diameter, and even though the skin is completely numb, my thigh is sore to the touch and keeps itching.  It hurts to touch yet I can't feel it when I scratch.  It's very strange.  But I'll take numb over the massive muscle spasms I was having.

I'm still on the muscle relaxers so I haven't been knitting but I did finish another granny square baby blanket.  It's not traditional baby colors but I thought it would be perfect for a boy.  Actually, I'd like to have an adult size one for me.  I'm absolutely in love with the color combo.  Sunflower yellow, gray, sage green and dark blue.  It's very "me."

And so this post contains something else besides me whining about my back issues...

And because that is horribly pixilated...

Another horribly pixilated photo just to make sure your eyes are hurting and you have a headache.  ๐Ÿ˜

I can't get over how much Hayden has grown.  She's gotten a bunch of molars, her hair is growing into baby ringlets and she's saying more and more actual words.  She's so funny.  She's terrified of the train (remember that the train tracks are right beside our house?)  She hears the horn blow off in the distance and goes running to comforting arms.  But as long as you hold her, she likes to watch the train go by.  She gets so excited and shouts "choo choo" and giggles.  

Well, it's time for another round of pills so....


  1. Hayden is just so darn cute!! And your crocheted blanket is so pretty - love those colors. I've had a herniated disc in my neck decades ago - not fun...no feeling at all in my left arm for months.

    1. Ouch! The idea of a neck injury terrifies me. Glad you're better now.

  2. Hayden is a cutie. Just wait. We have one grandchild that is driving and another in drivers education! Now that's growing too fast!
    The blanket is ver pretty and the colors quite different.

    1. That is growing fast! I don't want to wish Hayden's life away, but I can't wait until she's a teen and giving her parents grief. Paybacks and all :)

  3. Hayden is absolutely ADORABLE! Hopefully she'll get over the fear of the train.

    Hope you are feeling better soon.
