Tuesday, August 10, 2021



Now, how on earth did I do that?  I used a row counter.  I used the same needles.  I knit them on consecutive days.

Oh, I know how I did that!  

Good grief!  

You know what I did?  I started off several repeats using the "0" on the row counter as a counted row.  Instead of telling the marker I was on row 1, I told it I was knitting row 0.  Doh!

Good thing I used a large skein.  I can simply recreate my error and knit a second pair of mismatched gloves that hopefully will match these.  Although it might be easier, simpliler and quicker to forget these and just start over.

If you are interested, the yarn is left over Colorburst I still had in the stash pile.


  1. I do that all the time. There is something about knitting and counting that always gets me confused. I don't think I've ever knit a pair of anything that are even including sleeves.

  2. Oops! I think we've all done something like that at one point or another.

  3. Well, does it really matter once you put them on? Cute!

  4. They sure are pretty!

    Could you pick out the cast off edge of the shorter mitt and just add on. I don't think you'd really notice the change in the pattern once they are on.

    Your idea of making two mates is good too. One pair for you. One pair as a gift for someone.

  5. I do this with sleeves, even though I cross off rows knit there always seems to be a difference.
