Tuesday, July 23, 2019


(This post contains affiliate links.)

First, I'd like to give a shout out to the guys (or more specifically, guy) from Ron's Auto for helping me out the other day.  It was an absolute sh*t storm of a day and that dude will never know how much I appreciated his help.  Sue had her surgery that morning, I had to deal with both DMV and broken eyeglasses, attend a funeral, got tangled up in the traffic jam caused by a cop's mayday call and the actual air temp, not the 'feels like' but the actual air temperature hit 103... and the car overheated.  Ron's to the rescue.  The dude gave Little Red a pat on the head, told her she could do it, told me to maybe slow down a little, and sent us on our way with no more problems.

But what this post is really about...

Simple shawl with lace border knit with Capretta from http://shrsl.com/1plh0
Wedgewood Shawl

I finally blocked my Wedgewood shawl.

yarn on sale at http://shrsl.com/1plh0
Wedgewood knit with Capretta from Knit Picks

I finished it back in April but was in no hurry to block it because it was tiny.  Barbie doll sized.  Way to small for my wide, linebacker shoulders.  I was so disappointed.

Loving my new leather shawl cuff.
Shawl cuff from Howling Hills Studio

Thankfully I finally forced myself to block it.  As always, blocking worked miracles and what was a Barbie doll sized shawl now fits me perfectly.  I am SO happy because I absolutely LOVE the shawl.  It was getting ready to storm when I took the photos and the light is pretty bad and the shawl's color doesn't show well.  The yarn is Capretta from Knit Picks.  It looks like the yarn is being discontinued which is a shame because it's heavenly to knit with!  Anyway, the yarn's colorway is Eliot and the color is...  well, it's pond scum green.  I don't know how else to describe it.  It sounds horrible, but it's the most gorgeous golden green color.

Pond scum or not, it looks great with my new leather shawl cuff from Howling Hills Studio.  (And to give credit where credit is due, I bought the cuff from my LYS, Center of the Yarniverse rather than directly from Howling Hills.)

I can't wait for fall!


  1. Oh, wow....it is gorgeous!!! Blocking does work miracles.

  2. Wow, it's beautiful!
    And I'm glad that guy helped you out on a very bad day. Hope today is better for you.

  3. Oh it's stunning! I'm glad it turned out so well.

  4. BEAUTIFUL!! And, I had never heard of a shawl cuff, but it looks great and also looks like something I *need.* Glad your car is ok. Our weather has finally broken - hope yours has as well.

  5. blocking is always a miracle ... and even still, we continue to be amazed! your shawl is gorgeous and I'm a fan of that cuff! (I saw one on Espace Trictot's podcast a few episodes back and was intrigued ... I'd love to see it in action!)

  6. It is stunning! Oh my, the yarn choice, the pattern, the blocking it all worked out just beautifully.

  7. Thanks for your comment about how to make the Qframe work better!

  8. gorgeous shawl in a color that I adore and wear frequently!

  9. I adore Pond Scum!!! Well, the color, not the scum. It is gorgeous!!!
