Sunday, July 7, 2019

Sunday Supper - Blueberry-Pecan Galette

So, we aren't actually having this for supper, I just wish we were.  We have quite a few leftover blueberries and I was Googling what to do with them and....

Blueberry-Pecan Galette from

Doesn't that just look like it would satisfy every craving?  Soft, crunchy, hot, cold, creamy, fruity...

I'm desperately hoping I can talk my daughter into baking this Blueberry-Pecan Galette for me while I'm at work tonight.  And if she was a really good daughter, she'd allow me to call her when I'm finishing up at work and she could time her baking just right so that it would be fresh from the oven when I got home.

It's nice to have dreams.


  1. That does look yummy. I had to have pie this weekend. I bought a lemon meringue and a coconut cream but it's not the same as something hot from the oven, Yum.

  2. Boy that looks delicious! nothing beats a warm pie with vanilla ice cream melting on top (well, unless it would be someone baking it FOR us ;-)

  3. That does look like a wonderful dessert.
    I like to bake, but I have so many vegan friends that it's hard to bake and not end up eating too much of it myself.

  4. Hoping she makes it for yoU! I have anew survey up if you want to take it!
