Friday, July 19, 2019


I feel like I should be listening to Pink Floyd as I knit.

Knitting a simple, wedge shaped, striped, garter stitch shawl scarf using yarn from Unplanned Peacock.

The pain of casting on 400 stitches for the Eclipse shawl is slowly being replaced by the appearance of the wedge shaping.

I probably should never have started this project.  I absolutely adore the design, both knitting and wearing it; the yarn is fantastic to knit with and the colors.... Oh!  The colors!  

The problem I'm having is that I'm also loving the Reyna shawl I have on the needles.  And, I've promised myself that I'll have the Madli's Shawl, which I'm sick to death of, finished by October 1st.  

I'm in need of a solid month of straight, 24/7 knitting time.


  1. I feel that pain...but it is pretty! That yarn is just-wow!!

  2. Ha, wouldn't that be nice! Those are all beautiful projects. Casting on 400 stitches is no fun, but the pattern is lovely.

  3. Oh wow! Those colors....

    We all need more knitting time!

  4. I get tired just reading 400 stitches.

  5. I hereby proclaim it JGKnits Day, which will be observed for the next, checks notes, 31 days. All ye under the rule of yarn will be subject to penalty of frogging if you do not observe this proclamation. Now, go forth and knit!

  6. First off love the yarn bowl. I am a huge fan of making shawls, not so much wearing them but still I can't get enough of creating those beauties. Good luck with yours.

  7. Love that glazing on the yarn bowl WOW!!!!
    Im loving my shawl but have to find more time to knit!!

  8. that is a beautiful shawl to suffer through the eternal cast on!!
