Sunday, January 29, 2023

Sunday Supper - Beef Birria Tacos

I'm not sure if I ever mentioned it but a while back, not long after we moved in here, my InstantPot was put in the oven and baked until it was a very smelly and unrecognizable blob of melted plastic.  It was tragic and I've been upset over its loss ever since.  My Instant Pot was finally replaced this Christmas and I couldn't be happier.

And so....

photo courtesy of

Beef Birria Tacos made in a pressure cooker.  Tacos and getting to use my Instant Pot - what could be better?

I'll admit, the recipe sounds like a lot of work and I'm likely to skip the whole cooking the tortillia part, but the meat and sauce part sound excellent.  I'll just make it with store bought taco shells and if it tastes as good as it sounds, maybe I'll cook the taco shells next time.  Maybe.

I'm also curious what 12 servings means.  Is that 12 tacos, or is it enough meat for 12 people to eat tacos? I'm fairly certain it's 12 tacos and as a large, taco loving family, we probably won't have a lot of leftover meat, but if we do, I'm sure it's easily freezable.


1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to say I had to laugh at the thought of a melted InstantPot in your oven. My mom used to use her old fashioned pressure cooker all the time. I loved to hear it hissing on the stove. You always knew something good was coming out of it.
