Thursday, December 12, 2019

Three on Thursday

I'm joining Carole for today's Three on Thursday, or at least I hope I am.  I completely forgot to link up with her last week.  Doh!

My ideas for three things and my time are both running a little low right now so bear with me and my no photograph post.  I'm determined to stop complaining so much though and those of you that know me know I don't exactly live by the 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all' rule.  But again, I'm determined to keep it positive.  So, without photographs...

1.  I'm loving my Christmas/Holly Berry Stashbuster shawl.  If all goes as planned, it will be off the needles before this blog post even goes live. (Yes, I'm typing about 14 hours in advance.)

2.  My little desktop Christmas tree.  The poor little thing has seen better days and I didn't even take the time to unfold its plastic branches properly, but the lights were still on it from last year, they work, and it lights up and casts a warm, Christmasy glow across my desk.  

3.  Knit Picks'  free Santa's hat pattern. It uses Fable Fur (which I have in the stash pile) and bulky weight yarn (which I'll make by holding two thinner strands together) so it should knit up super quick.  I'm hoping to get a few knit up by the end of the weekend.  And, because I'm so positive and non-whiny these days, while searching Knit Pick's site for the Santa hat, I also discovered a miniature, ornament sized Santa hat pattern.  I might have to knit a few of them too!

And now, I'm off to knit, knit, knit.  There's only twelve knitting days left before Christmas.  Yikes!

(I'm not complaining, only panicking!)


  1. Looking forward to seeing your finished shawl!

  2. Christmas-y twinkle lights always brighten the spirits, don't they? Here's to quick knitting for you! :-)

  3. Good luck with your Christmas knitting and enjoy those twinkle lights!

  4. I'm putting Fur on my errand list, pronto! I know someone who will go NUTS over this hat. Just the project I need to sit through a ton of basketball games the next few days! Thanks, Jeannie!

  5. I'm looking forward to seeing your finished shawl too and you've inspired me to see if I can find my little miniature tree. Our tree is beautiful, but the kids put it up where I can't see it from my knitting chair. I miss looking at it in the evenings. Happy Thursday!

  6. Twelve? Oh, no. I've got one more secret project in the works. I better get moving.

  7. oh Santa hats!!! You've got this Jeannie!
