Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Hallelujah, hallelujah, hal-le-lu-jah!

What a ride!  Remember how we were selling our house and closing back in the first week of November?  Yeah, that didn't happen.  There was a problem with our buyers' buyers' financials which their bank didn't discover until two days before closing.  Argh!

Thankfully our buyers quickly got another contract on their house and closing was set for the last week of November.  And then the first week of December.  And then December 16th. 

And Hallelujah!  We are now officially without a home.  We have neither house nor debt.  Damn it feels good!

It feels so good I was off celebrating last night instead of knitting something to show you. Sorry, not sorry! 


  1. Congratulations! It feels so good to have these things off your mind, doesn't it? (and why are there always delays with banks? I don't understand why that has to happen so often - been there, done that)

  2. Woohoo! Congratulations! I'm sure that was a huge weight off your shoulders!

  3. Oh, that must feel wonderful! Hallelujah, indeed.

  4. Wonderful news - congratulations. I might have to celebrate tonight - lol.

  5. Congratulations! Selling a house is SO stressful. We've sold 3 in the past and it's always very frustrating.

  6. Congrats! That must feel wonderful. I can't wait until we are out from under a house payment. Three more years.

  7. hallelujah!!!! So glad that monkey is off your back. Now, get to knitting.
