Thursday, May 2, 2019

Three on Thursday - Growing things

My Kroy blanket isn't the only thing growing around here.

There are dandelions.  I can't believe the recent winds didn't destroy this one.

And grapes.  I'm very happy to see grapes forming on the vines.  I thought I may have not only cut them back too far, but also waited way too late to cut last year's growth back.  

And Buck Hill mint.  I'm super excited about the mint.  That may sound silly but....  My dad grew up on a tobacco farm that had already been in the family for several generations and the farm was named Buck Hill.  And earlier this week, while visiting my cousin (Dad's brother's son,) I was gifted a pot of mint that is a descendant of the mint grown at Buck Hill.  Talk about family roots!

I'm joining Carole and friends for Three on Thursday.


  1. I can understand your excitement about that mint! I would have loved to have some plants that descent directly from my grandfather's garden (or window sill)!

  2. How wonderful to have that mint cutting! (and just in time for Derby Day!)

  3. I am a big fan of dandelions, I have to say. And we used to have a grape vine on our deck, but it got cut back and died when we had roof repairs.

    I LOVE the story about the mint - I hope it has a wonderful growing season!

  4. I love the teeny grape-lets! :-)
    My house is, once again, the neighborhood LEADER when it comes to dandelions! (The bees love me.)

  5. I also have some mint from the family farm and look forward to mint tea all summer. It's just beginning to come up in NJ, and I'm going to start some new plants so I'll also have it readily available in MD. Yours looks great!

  6. I miss my grape vine. There is nothing better in the winter than a jar of your own jelly.

  7. Awww Good that mint has a memory for you! Mint can takeover tho!

  8. Spring has definitely arrived! It's finally green here, but it's mostly leaves and grass.

  9. We haven't planted a single thing, yet again. However, it's not too late!! Love mint but mine spread like crazy!
