Tuesday, May 28, 2019

James River Yarn Crawl Part 2 - Yarn Matters

Did you participate in the James River Yarn Crawl?  Six yarn shops located between Ashland and Virgnia Beach participated.  I was only able to visit three of them, but three was enough!

My plan was to visit a few, buy a few smaller priced items and end up at my local yarn shop where I'd spend the bulk of my yarn budget.  That didn't exactly happen.

It was a beautiful day for a drive and my daughter accompanied me.  Being the sweet, good girl that she is, she volunteered to drive so that I could knit on the road.  Our first stop was at Yarn Matters.

James River Yarn Crawl 2019. Yarn Matters yarn shop located in Norge near Williamsburg, VA

We took the scenic route down Rt. 60 rather than fighting the traffic and construction on I64.  We arrived much quicker than expected (Sarah was driving after all!) and we had no trouble finding the shop.  

Yarn Matters is a smallish shop, but Oh!  The Malabrigo wall!  One whole wall, one whole, large wall was nothing but Malabrigo.  Have I ever mentioned my passion for Malabrigo's yarns?  Poor Sarah.  She's not a knitter.  She tries very hard to have patience with me in yarn shops after all, trips to the yarn store frequently end up turning into a new hat, gloves, a scarf or a pair of socks for her.  But as I pulled skein after skein of Malabrigo off the wall you could see her will to live shrink moment by moment.  She was a pretty good sport about it though.  She helped by putting skeins back almost as quickly as I took them down off the shelf while I tried to make a purchasing decision.

Yarn fumes!  Malabrigo, Tempting Ewe Yarns and Neighborhood Fiber Co.
yarn haul

Remember my plan to spend only $20 - $30 at this shop?  Yeah, that didn't happen.  But it could have been a WHOLE lot worse!

Pictured from top to bottom...

475 yards of the softest fingering weight Superwash Merino from Neighborhood Fiber Co. in the Edgewood colorway.  It's not showing up well in the photo but it's greens and blues and black.  Sarah and I may come to blows over who gets to be the proud owner of whatever I knit this into.

480 yards of Ewe So Happy Sparkle Sock yarn from Tempting Ewe Yarns.  What looks like dust in the photo is actually sparkle.  The yarn is a superwash merino base with a little Stellina spun into it.  The yarn's color is Exhausted and it is also greens, blues and black.  It's only very slightly lighter in color than the Neighborhood Fiber Co. yarn, but it sparkles.  It's name is Exhausted and it sparkles!  Does it get any better than that?  Yes, actually it does.  Sarah doesn't like her knitted items to sparkle which makes this one mine.  All mine!

440 yards of sock/fingering weight Malabrigo Superwash Merino which has been kettle dyed in Velvet Grapes.  It's not my normal choice of color but I saw it and just had to have it.  Just Had to!  It's purpley maroons and deep dark pinks and looks like someone spilled a bottle of red wine all over an expensive, and very absorbent, antique table cloth.  I can not wait to knit something with this yarn.  If only I had a clue what I wanted to knit.

And last but definitely not least, another Malabrigo merino sock yarn in the colorway Aniversario.  It's a muted, every color in the crayon box multi color.  This is another skein that Sarah and I "agreed" on which means, we'll be fighting over it later.

I also picked up a stitch marker made specially for the yarn crawl (which is blending into the background in the photo) and was gifted a Yarn Matters pin for shopping there during the crawl.

If you ever find yourself in the Williamsburg, Virginia area, be sure to stop by Yarn Matters.  It's a wonderful little shop, run by a sweet, friendly and helpful shop owner and it's located not far from the Williamsburg Visitor's Center.  The shop is also located dangerously close to my mother-in-law's house so, Yikes!  I'm going to have to show a Lot of restraint every time I visit her.


  1. Oh, my heart....look at that pile of gorgeous!!!!

  2. Oh, wow... Such beautiful yarns! Can't wait to see what you make with them!

  3. Oh wow! What fun. Looks like you managed to score some beautiful yarns. It's probably good that there is not a yarn crawl (that I am aware of) around here.....

  4. I am sitting here knitting with Malabrigo Sock while reading about yours! I have 2 skeins of the Anniversario in DK at home that is also calling to me. Plus about 5 more sock skeins of various colors. Why do I keep hoarding it instead of knitting with it!!

  5. yay for all of the yarn you bought!!! you deserve it. I love what you chose and such a generous amount of yardage as well.

  6. Oh, they are so lovely ! Must have been hard not to way overdo the budget.. and make choices..

  7. I love the Williamsburg area so much. Al took me to some nice yarn shops while I visited her. I don't remember if that was one of them! I did work hard to get to a yarn shop on the way from ZION national park and the Las Vegas Airport. The yarn was nice, but it wasn't a great shopping experience.


  8. I am 48, have 3 children, 2 boys age 25 and 22 and a daughter of 11. My husband left me last year after 25 years of marriage (he turned 50). It has been the most difficult year of my life, but full of lessons about myself and what life and marriage are all about. I am passionate about marriage and i didn't give up on my husband. resides in USA, I entered online in search of advice on how i can amend my marriage while i was at work. I saw so many positive reviews and nice feed back about how a Doctor called Robinson.buckler@ yahoo. com has been wonderful with his work. I gave a shot to make contact with him via his Email and he assured me that my marriage will be peaceful and i believed in his words. 16 hours after he finished work, my husband came back home pleading and now, we are living peacefully again. Get in contact with him if you need any help.
