Thursday, August 2, 2018

Three on Thursday

I have a pretty long stretch of work days ahead of me so I thought for today's Three on Thursday post, I'd remind myself why I love my job.

1.  I LOVE playing with the money!  It's my job to make sure all the money is accounted for and safely stored each night.  I'm not 100% positive that my boss appreciates me calling it "playing with the money" but that's what it feels like.  I love counting it and strapping it and putting it in little stacks.  I don't even mind (much) when it comes to me wet and I have to iron it to get it dry.

2.  This year, we have Winterfest and I can NOT wait!  The park is going to go from...

fountains and Eiffel Tower at Kings Dominion
Kings Dominion, photo courtesy of

Eiffel Tower and fountains decorated for Christmas
Kings Dominion Winterfest, photo courtesy of

this.  There will be a zillion Christmas lights.  (Have I mentioned how much I love Christmas lights?)  Santa and Mrs. Claus will be there.  (Have I mentioned how much I love Santa?)  And the fountains are going to freeze over and be turned into an ice skating rink.  Have I mentioned how bad I am at ice skating?  Have I mentioned that I'm about 99.99% sure I'll break a leg?  Have I mentioned that I don't even care!  I can Not wait for Winterfest!  I'm more excited about Winterfest than I am about playing with the money each night.

PC Load Letter
photo courtesy of

3.  I love the people I work with.  Once, I was having a problem with the printer and my boss walked by and asked "Having PC Load Letter issues?"


  1. Gratitude is a wonderful way to "reframe" our attitudes! Have fun playing with the money. :-)

  2. Winterfest looks like a fairy tale to me! I would love to visit that park someday.
    And playing with money is really a lot of fun.
    I once helped counting money collected for a good cause. That made me so much happier than being the one going door to door ;-)

    1. I can not wait for Winterfest! This year is the first year the park will be doing it so it's even more exciting.

  3. Oh my goodness, #1 makes me think of my grandparents! Every time we visited, I'd "play" with my grandpa's bowling money -- sorting, stacking, counting, wrapping! Grandma worked at a bank and always had coin sleeves. It was one of my favorite things to do and now a favorite memory. :)

    1. I always loved wrapping coin as a child (and teen and even adult) too. A tiny piece of me died when the banks started making me deposit my coin jar savings still in the jar instead of wrapped.

  4. I'm not much of a "park" person, but winterfest looks wonderful! And # 3 cracked me up! Have fun with the $$$

    1. Yeah, it's not where I'd want to spend my vacation but I really do enjoy working there. The atmosphere is terrific. We even have a TPS report! Thankfully, I don't have to fill it out but Corporate named it weirdly so that it's a TPS report. :)

  5. winterfest sounds like a fabulous event! I love winter :) money in any form including monopoly money is fun to count :)

    1. I'm SO excited for winter fest. This will be the first year for the event and I am like a 4 year old waiting for Santa! I am getting more and more nervous as each day passes about the upcoming breaking of my leg because that's just the way things go for me but.... :)
