Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Yarn Along Socks

Very creative post title, right?   Yeah, it's late, late the night before or early, early the morning of (depending on your sleep cycle) Yarn Along Wednesday.  It's too late/early to think creatively.


It's Yarn Along Wednesday so please go check out what others are knitting and reading over at Ginny's blog, Small Things.  But before you go....

Yarn Along Wednesday, what I'm knitting and reading.

I'd like to say, "I am reading" but in all honesty, I've only read the back cover of The House Between Tides by Sarah Maine.  I just picked it up from Barnes & Noble today/yesterday (once again, depending on your sleep cycle.)  I was walking down an aisle looking for my daughter and not searching for anything to read when suddenly this book reached out and grabbed me.  It practically jumped up and down and screamed, "Read me! Read me!"  I felt compelled to buy it.  I hope I enjoy it.

As for my knitting... you may notice, that's not Twisted in the photo.  Nope.  Twisted is gone.  I had to face facts that my yarn choice just wasn't going to work.  Twisted has been frogged.  The yarn is now thinking about becoming a Starshower cowl.

The knitting that is in the photo is socks.  Well, sock.  A simple stockinette sock knit from the Regia 6-fadig I bought the other day at Knitting B's.  I am loving LOVING this yarn.  I love the colorway and the sock is practically knitting itself.  It's taking every ounce of strength I have not to go back and buy the yarn in every colorway the shop has.

So, that's my Yarn Along story for the week.  Go check out Ginny's blog to read others' Yarn Along tales.


  1. I think I have that book on my list! I will have to look for it when I go to B & N on Friday. Also love the look of that yarn! I haven't tried it yet - is it fairly soft?

    Linda in VA

    1. It's not The softest but I imagine it will bloom a bit when washed. I've always been pleased with all my other Regia socks. This yarn just seems thicker so the knitting is going much faster than normal.

  2. Starshower has been in my queue for a while. I'll be interested in how you like knitting it.

  3. nice yarn! I haven't knit starshower but I do want to one day :)
