Wednesday, August 31, 2016


I'm joining Ginny's Yarn Along...

The visible progress on my Antarktis has slowed considerably but I'm inching towards the finish line.

knitting scarves and shawls and Yarn Along reading My Familiar Stranger

I'm also nearing the end of My Familiar Stranger.  This book has a strange mix of multiple dimensions, elves, nice vampire, vampire hunters and humans.  Somehow the author manages to weave them all together into a mostly believable romance novel that I'm actually enjoying.  It helps that the nice vampire has just enough 'bad boy' in his past to make him lovable instead of wimpy.  I'm enjoying reading this book almost as much as I'm enjoying knitting Antarktis.


  1. I hope the vampire hunter isn't hunting the nice vampire! Good luck in the homestretch of Antarkis - it looks great!

    1. Thank you, Wendy. The vampire is the hunter's prisoner yet they work together and they're caught in a love triangle (actually a square LOL.) As crazy as it sounds, the author makes it work & it's been a fun read so far.

  2. Sounds like an interesting read! You may like Fallen by Lauren Kate. I found that book entertaining.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion. I checked out Fallen & it's downloading now. :)

  3. gorgeous Antarktis!!! I could knit that one again! did you see the KAL tracey at clover seven blog is hosting ?? it's the silverleaf shawl. I gave links on my blog if you're into another shawl knit.

    1. Oh, you are a bad, bad influence! :) Silverleaf is gorgeous!

  4. I prefer to read other books, but I really like knitting Antarctica. It looks very cool. Several years ago, I was going on an expedition to the North Pole Then I had to buy warm clothes, but money for them I have debts. My family gave me a set of warm clothes. This kit was a sweater that tied my grandmother, he was in Antarctica style. After that I fell in love with this style of knitting.
