Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Night Skies

I seem to have a night sky theme going on here. I'm still knitting on Starshowers

Hand knit cowl, knit scarf, lace cowl, lace scarf, simple lace shawl
Starshowers Cowl

and I'm reading Midnight Exposure by Melinda Leigh.

Midnight Exposure, a romance mystery with strong female charecter, set in Maine.
Midnight Exposure by Melinda Leigh

I'm struggling with this book because it's hard to put down.  It's a good story and about the only time I have to read these days is the very early morning hours after I get home from work.  My routine is to come home, grab a shareable snack, flop on the couch and chill out while snuggling with the dogs, reading and sharing my snack with them.  (Truck stop donuts are their favorite.)  I haven't been getting a lot of sleep since I started reading Midnight Exposure.  Hopefully I'll finish it tonight and I can get some much needed sleep tomorrow night.

huge, low hanging August moon; harvest moon, full moon in night sky
The moon.

So what's the deal with the blurry photo of a street light?  It's not a street light.  It's the moon! On the nights I'm not being blinded by lightening and/or monsoon-like rain, there has been an awesome AWESOME moon barely hanging up in the sky.  It's been HUGE and crazy bright and so low in the sky I feel like I can reach out and touch it.  Pretty incredible, even if my photo isn't.

Join me over at Ginny's Yarn Along to discover what others are knitting and reading.


  1. I love the yarn that you are knitting. So pretty.

    1. Thank you. It's a dream to knit with & my photos don't begin to do it justice.
