Friday, November 18, 2022

Still Not Knitting

Well, I'm still not knitting and I'm including lots of weirdly placed spaces between letters because the thumb brace accidentally hits the space bar when I try to type.  Hopefully I will catch all the extra spaces  here in this post and remove them, but there are so many, my brain doesn't always see them anymore.

This whole not being able to knit thing is making me a little cranky.  And fat!  Unfortunately, I can still eat so I have replaced knitting with eating.  And I'm not eating salads.  I'm eating M&M's and chocolate covered pretzels and cookies and potato chips.  You know, pity party foods. Things that come in large bags, not single servings.  It's incredibly difficult to open packages one-handed so I'm going for 'multiple servings in one package' type items.  And yes, I know this is incredibly horrible for my health.  But after two weeks of not knitting, it's either my health or the health and safety of my family.  Ruining my health, weight and blood sugar for a few weeks seems like the better option. 

It really is pretty amazing how many simple things I can't do with only one thumb.  I can't open bag-type packages (well, actually, I'm getting pretty good at opening them with my teeth but I've also cut my lip on the packaging a few times so...,) I have trouble putting the toothpaste on my toothbrush and worst of all, I can't 'do' my hair.  I can't even put it in a ponytail.  I keep having to show up at work with wild hair and have to beg my coworkers to put it in a ponytail or bun for me.  It's comically pathetic.

The good side of being thumbless is that my thumb nail is starting to grow.  I've never in my life been able to get my thumb nails to grow long.  And, I read four and a half books last week.  All trash of course.  I do love a trashy romance novel.  😊

And, since it's the season, I've been singing about Alice and her restaurant.

One very good thing about this whole broken thumb situation - the brace isn't supposed to come off until the day AFTER Thanksgiving.  That means I may be able to get out of cooking AND cleaning, although I'm not sure the family is going to go for that.  But there's hope.  I do have that doctor's note. 😊

I know it's a little early but, 


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