Sunday, August 7, 2022

A Peach Milkshake and the Return of Sunday Suppers

I've been wanting to get back to posting Sunday Supper recipes for a while but hadn't been able to find the motivation to actually post.

That is, until I found this recipe for Souther Georgia Peach Milkshakes.  Oh! My! Goodness!

As many of you know I work for Food Lion, a local grocery store chain. It's a fairly large chain and if you if you shop there, you probably know it as The Food Kitty.  Or simply, The Kitty.  Anyway, they have a website with recipes.  A website I hadn't ever bothered to look at to be perfectly honest.

A few weeks ago that changed.  I noticed every third customer was buying butter pecan ice cream.  And butter pecan ice cream was not on sale.  What was the deal?  Why are so many people suddenly buying this particular flavor?

Southern George Peach Milkshakes from

Come to find out, it's an ingredient in the peach milkshake recipe,  So I bought some too.  

I really hope your local grocery store has butter pecan ice cream and fresh peaches in stock.  And I really, really hope you'll give this recipe a try.  Yum!


  1. Oh, my gosh...that looks so good! I've been in a milkshake mood lately and I never thought about peach even though that is my ice cream of choice in the summer months.

  2. Mmmm, a milkshake sounds amazing right now!

  3. Regarding "the Kitty:" my friend has called it "the Food Dragon" for years, because the lion looks like a dragon in the logo.
